It was a pleasure talking about Universal Design for Learning (UDL) with Dr Suzanne Ehrlich.

Suzanne is a founder of the UNITE Design Lab at the University of North Florida. The UNITE Design Lab is also a sponsor a next week's Accessible and Inclusive Design Conference.

So in this episode, we covered what UDL is, why it's vital for organizations, and how you can start shifting your mindset to begin accommodating UDL in your work.

Suzanne is definitely a positive and upbeat educator that, in this conversation, inspired me to continue striving to achieve a mindset that prioritizes and maintains accessibility and inclusivity in all of the projects I work on.

Give this one a listen, hopefully you'll also be inspired --- and if anything, it's a great warm up session for next week's event at and an excellent way to begin integrating UDL into your mindset.

UNITE Design Lab: