I've been monitoring the virtual reality and learning space for about five years now. I've tested and purchased a few hardware devices, sampled lots of games, and even attended some VR and AR conferences. I honestly thought VR was going to revolutionize technology as we know it --- and change the world of learning.

Well, it doesn't look like anything like that is really going to happen soon.

However, I'm feeling like my expectations of the future of VR and learning have a more practical perspective after talking with this TLDCast episode's guest, Monique St Paul.

Monique is an Instructional Designer at Continuum XR --- and a self-confessed Luddite; you wouldn't expect Monique to be someone that would be doing instructional design in VR. But that's the thing: expectations around working with virtual reality and similar technologies lead you to believe that anyone working with this stuff needs to be a world class geek. Monique proves that's not the case. In fact, if you get anything out of this conversation, it's that doing ID for VR doesn't require you be tech savvy or a computer nerd. Instructional design for virtual reality is the same in normal reality, just no head set.

So give this episode a listen - the live event was very popular and the chat was busy. This conversation might change your mind too about VR and Learning.