Want to know how some of your fellow L&D Professionals use social media for work and professional development? We had a GREAT Community Discussion episode discussing just that! Cara North, Rubina Halwani, and Alan Natachu answered these questions:

Are there any platforms you avoid on social media? Why or why not?
How do you manage your social media connections?
Burner accounts: Do you have one? Do you keep your personal and professional accounts separate?
How do you evaluate your posts from a professional level?
Best social network for finding a job?
What is your overall preferred platform?
Do you regularly use social media at work?
How often do you post? And do you maintain a schedule?

Check out this discussion and don’t miss the audience chat — it doubles the value of the conversation!

And as a special bonus, check out and add to this document Alan created — which is a quick listing of people to follow, generated by the crew in TLDChat. Fill out the information and put your own info in! http://bit.ly/TLDChat-Social