There’s a fashion trend never seems to die: the prairie dress. The BBC chronicled the popularity of this zombie dress in a piece by writer Addison Nugent entitled The Prairie Look That Keeps Coming Back. To Laura “I Grew Up in Prairie, TX” House, the dress is triggering. And until a few weeks ago, Annabelle felt nothing but hate for it. And then the entire foundation for her antipathy was upended in a single afternoon. Plus, a new listener faces off against her garbage disposal, and lives to tell us about it.

Things You Should Stop Worrying About This Week

Sad astronauts

Learning all the letters of the Greek alphabet

Why a burned-out home in Northern California is getting offers north of $850K


Do YOU have a tiny victory to share? 


Call the Tiny Victories Hotline: (323) 285-1675

We want folks to share their tiny victories on our hotline because, frankly, we’ll assume we’re just talking into the void every week and nothing matters. Prove us wrong. Did you finally do that thing you were putting off? Tiny victory! Reconnect with someone you haven’t been in touch with for ages? Victory! We only ask that you try to keep messages to under a minute so we’re able to play it on the show.


If you prefer, you can record a tiny victory on your phone and then email us the audio.

Email: [email protected]






@Swish (producer Laura Swisher)



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