Plus, a listener email is so moving that both Annabelle and Laura are brought to tears.

Things You Should Stop Worrying About This Week

Sentient chatbots

The price of Springsteen tix


Rogue Monkey attacks in Japan

Assault by Sailfish


Mentioned in the Show

Japanese Bowl by Peter Mayer

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This episode is sponsored by

Dipsea Stories

Dipsea is an app full of hundreds of short, sexy audio stories designed by women for women. 

They bring scenarios to life with immersive soundscapes and characters, no matter who you’re into or what turns you on. 

For listeners of the show, Dipsea is offering an extended 30 day free trial when you go to

Do YOU have a tiny victory to share? 

Call the Tiny Victories Hotline: (323) 285-1675

We want folks to share their tiny victories on our hotline because, frankly, we’ll assume we’re just talking into the void every week and nothing matters. Prove us wrong. Did you finally do that thing you were putting off? Tiny victory! Reconnect with someone you haven’t been in touch with for ages? Victory! We only ask that you try to keep messages to under a minute so we’re able to play it on the show.

If you prefer, you can record a tiny victory on your phone and then email us the audio. 

Email: [email protected]






@Swish (producer Laura Swisher)



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