This week's guest, Kelly Griese, is the Senior Investor Education Coordinator with the Indiana Secretary of State. You might think that we spent the whole episode talking about the blog post she wrote for Indiana MoneyWise Matters called, "The Economics Of Animal Crossing." But that was just a small part of the total conversation, because it turns out Kelly is an avid gamer. And while she has only been playing ACNH for two months, her island design and knowledge of the game suggest that she is really. into. Animal. Crossing. Which makes her a *perfect* guest for this podcast!

After discussing how ACNH provides an ideal backdrop for important conversations with kids about finance, I shared lessons learned from jumping into the fast-paced secondary markets that have sprung up around the game. We quickly pivoted into island design, the neat benefit of dream addresses (like the incredible horror-themed island Underworld, at DA-9184-7436-2844), and who is responsible for the sometimes truly excellent character dialogue. Someone exceptionally woke is on Bubbles' writing team, that's all we know, and we are here for it..

While we got into some pretty rigorous discussion over which NPC would make the best IRL boyfriend, I think I'm still Team Pascal. They way he looks at me through the fence as we swim in parallel is soooo romantic (cue the "love" reaction with a giant heart over my head, please).

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This episode was recorded on Friday, September 4.

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