Our guest this week has been in the ACNH world since May, and in the world in general for just seven years now. Annabelle is our youngest guest so far, by far, and her favorite game is Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Her game play has remained untainted: she's never played the game with anyone else who's playing it (meaning she occasionally gets help from Mom & Dad, neither of whom play ACNH), so she isn't influenced by anyone or anything. She hasn't taken dream tours of other islands and gotten impatient to turn her island into a tribute to Disneyland or Harry Potter, and she hasn't rushed to download whatever cottagecore path is super hot this week. She doesn't even know that terraforming awaits her. 

Annabelle and I spent much of our time exploring the many surprises, both big and small, that she's encountered in the game. And we do a fair bit of wondering what might happen next. It was tricky to navigate this interview without telling her lots of things that she might enjoy discovering on her own, but it turned out OK. I did level with her that anything that needs doing on the island: populating the museum, paying for bridges, deciding where every villager will live -- it's all on her. It's a lot of responsibility for a seven-year-old, but I think you'll agree after listening to this episode that she's up for it.

Annabelle's tip, which she calls a "lie," regards daily visits to the Nook Stop booth FYI.

Get ready to be charmed.