Today we explore the mysteries of the heart with Nathalie Coral Lepeltier. She shares her deep insights from her book Quantum Heart: A Guide to Lead from the Future, inviting us to understand the multidimensional nature of the heart and its crucial role in aligning mind and spirit. In this episode you will learn practical tools, including a heart-centred exercise, to navigate decisions and lead with joy in both personal and corporate life. Let's open ourselves to the wisdom of the heart and explore the limitless possibilities of creating a future that transcends conventional boundaries.


(00:00) Introducing Nathalie Coral Lepeltier

(02:25) Understanding the Heart: The multidimensional nature of the heart, its significance beyond a physical organ, and its role in connecting with eternity.

(04:12) Quantum Fields and Ancient Wisdom: Nathalie delves into the concept of quantum fields, drawing parallels with ancient civilizations like the Egyptians and their emphasis on the heart.

(07:48) Leading from the Future and Decision-Making: Leading from the future, aligning mind and heart, and making decisions with a vision.

(18:31) An Exercise to Connect Your Mind and Body: The importance of connecting with nature and a brief guided exercise to align your mind and body.

(23:14) Mind, Heart, and Body Alignment: How to align mind, heart, and body, and the significance of slowing down and engaging in joyful activities.

(28:19) Taking Responsibility and Empowerment: The importance of taking responsibility for our lives, making conscious choices, and avoiding giving away power to external factors.

(34:35) Wrapping up

OUR GUEST: Nathalie Coral Lepeltier

Nathalie Coral Lepeltier is the founder of Conscious Future Institute. ( ) and Conscious Future Consulting. She is formally trained in Kundalini Yoga, Quantum Healing, Spiritual and Evolutive Hypnosis and Future Visioning, among many other techniques and practices. For the past twenty years, she has been working with scientists from around the world, blending business and spirituality, and training/mentoring people to access their inner wisdom to be successful and create a life of wonder.

Connect with her at:


Yana is the founder of the Timeless Teachings Podcast. She is a global speaker, impact coach, wellness retreats facilitator, spiritual teacher, co-author of three books, award-winning poetess, and truth illuminator who inspires, empowers, educates globally.

Yana has been interviewing thought leaders and change makers since 2015 . You can find more of her thought-provoking interviews on YanaTV, an online talk show that amplifies the voices of impactful, influential and conscious people of Singapore.  







Timeless Teachings by Yana Fry has been ranked as a top 3 Spirituality podcast in Singapore. We talk about human advancement, self-mastery and achieving your full potential.