This episode I know will support many people and I am thrilled that it is with one of my favourite people, Avril Carpenter.

Avril is a dog lover from New Zealand.  See it is already a winner!

Moving on from a corporate career, Avril helps women re-ignite their inner sparkle.

As a qualified life coach and Hypnotherapist, Avril supports women in her 1:1 and online program, Lighten Up, to heal the wounds the drive emotional eating, cravings and food obsession.

In this episode, Avril shares a new area that her personal experience and expterise has a focus on.  Alcohol and the consumption that she identified during covid was not longer appropriate.  In this insightful, personal epsiode Avril shares her personal story as well as the response from her community once she shared.

An episode for deep hearted love for everyone.

You can connect with Avril and her work @avril.carpenter