Have you ever wondered what it is like to create an ORACLE DECK?

How does the information come together?  When do you know what to do AND is this is a fully immersed experience or is it something that comes in and out?

These were some of the questions I was able to ask the increadible SUZY CHERUB.

Suzy is the author of THREE amazing oracle decks and today we are talking about her latest deck Water Temple Oracle.

Suzy has helped thousands of people worldwide with her psychic insights and inspirational messages. She uses her intuitive gifts to empower, teach and guide others to develop their own gifts and live a more intuitive, conscious life.

In this episode Suzy takes us behind the scenes of HOW she creates and produces her beautiful work.  We dive into the energy of the divine feminine and the relevance of that today and how working with the element of water can support your individual evolution and growth.

As a Piscean priestess, Suzy has always felt a deep resonance to the element of water and the sacred water temples around our precious planet. “Throughout my adventures, awake and dreaming, I have journeyed to many Water Temples all around our glorious earth mother. At these sacred water sites, I have experienced a profound soul remembering with an intensely spiritual experience. Communicating with the Temple guardians to receive and share their enlightening messages of hope, healing and renewal is such a divine blessing. May you flow gracefully into a sea of love.”— Suzy Cherub