Show Notes:

There’s not much Reena Friedman Watts hasn’t done in her professional life. She’s scoured the NPR newswire for stories. She’s combed through hundreds of small claims cases.  She’s worked on reality TV shows such as The Jerry Springer Show, Court TV, and Nanny 911. She’s worked in Radio. She’s planned mega-events for the telecom and finance industries.  She’s secured sponsors and emceed. She’s booked sensational and hard-to-get guests such as Howard Schultz, Barbara Corcoran, Ken Coleman, and Derek Sivers on Cathy Heller’s Don’t Keep Your Day Job Podcast and boosted the downloads from 4M to nearly 15M.

Reena has a God-given talent for connecting people and building communities, and she bestows her magic on people in the most selfless and genuine way. Ideas for how people can achieve the fantastic flow out of her head as effortlessly as breath flows into her lungs. Her diverse background and skill set allow her to seamlessly weave in and out of multiple markets and find her way through doors that don’t open for others.  She coaches entrepreneurs on how to get unstuck and find their first clients, she gets blurbs from influencers for their best-selling books, and she even helps them grow communities of their own.

Reena is a questioner and a story junkie, and she’s scratching that itch on her highly anticipated podcast, Better Call Daddy.  She’s telling the stories that haven’t been told and sprinkling them with wisdom from one of her most trusted advisors, her Dad.

Quote: When you shift from yourself to others, that’s where the growth begins - Reena Friedman Watts  

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways:

Work to relationship build and share experiencesAlways try to build up those around youAlways work to perfect your craftWhen you are passionate about your life calling, research the top 10% of people in that field and add what works for them into your flowKindness always wins in the end

Here is a link to this episode on our website: 

Recommended Resources: 

Visit Mega Watts Productions

Pick Up Reena’s Daughters Inspiring Book: Scarlet, The Singer Who Couldn’t Hear Music

Reena’s Linked IN

Better Call Daddy YouTube Channel

Reena’s Instagram

Reena’s Twitter

Host Your Podcast for Free with Buzz Sprout 

Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate - Real Estate Excellence 

Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

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