Show Notes:

Welcome to Episode 160 - Former NFL player who was cut 12 times on his way to becoming the #1 player at his position. Current Certified Financial Planner, where I studied for the each test in the off seasons while playing in NFL. Went on to write Bestseller 'Your Money Vehicle' as well as create a Virtual Financial Education Course.  Remember Our Troops! Enjoy!

Quote: Control your A.P.E = Attitude, Preparation, Efforts - Jedidiah Collins

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways:

Outcomes are hard to impact. Input is where you get true growthControl the ControllablesEnjoy the process.  Enjoy the huntSteal inches (inch by inch it’s a cinch)A great leader has the ability to see different perspectives of their goalsWhen meeting others you want to learn from ask: Why did you achieve what you did? How did you do it? What should I be working on?U.S.E. of money = Understand, Strategize and Efficient useSeeing money as a vehicle sets your perspectiveComparison is the thief of joy

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Recommended Resources: 

Pick up Jedidiah’s Book: Your Money Vehicle 

Jedidiah’s Linked IN

Jedidiah’s Youtube Channel

Jedidiah’s Instagram

Jedidiah’s Facebook

Jedidiah’s Twitter

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