Show Notes

At a time of high work stress, declining mental health and rampant burnout, Woodrie’s on a mission to strengthen people, drive better outcomes and offer hope. An award-winning thought leader, author, Forbes Coaches Council Member and TEDx speaker, Woodrie’s known for her proprietary approach to setting boundaries and building sustainable strategies in fast-paced and high-demand environments. She brings 20+ years of leadership and change management experience working on global tech projects and billion-dollar M&A work.

"Meet the needs of the moment. When we're strong and healthy, we can have a greater impact on everything that we touch." - Woodrie Burich

Fergie’s Top 10+ Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways:

Search for support tools to help manage your harmony: Woodrie emphasizes the importance of finding tools to maintain balance and harmony in life.Lip service to taking care of yourself: Woodrie highlights the disconnect between acknowledging self-care and actually practicing it.Meet the needs of the moment: focus on being present and meeting the needs of the current situation.What is your trend line?: Encouraging reflection on personal trends and patterns to guide decision-making.Value and opportunity in backing off just a hair: Recognizing that sometimes stepping back can lead to better outcomes and personal growth.When deciding which coach to work with ask what's possible?: Woodrie suggests seeking guidance on exploring potential and possibilities.Root of boundaries provides us deep connection to self and others: Setting boundaries allows for deeper connections with oneself and others.Role models that have healthy role models: Woodrie stresses the importance of seeking out positive influences to learn from.How would we know what is possible if we have never seen it?: challenge the concept of limiting beliefs by encouraging exposure to new possibilities.Best action, focus on those pause points: Prioritizing strategic breaks and self-care as key actions for maintaining well-being.You have a lot more power than you realize that you do: Recognizing one's own capabilities and potential impact in various situations.

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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

Artwork courtesy of Dylan Allen