Episode 31 of the Time To Be You podcast features yours truly, Laura Berens!


People keep asking me how to best use Instagram for their business. So, since I'm equipped with examples from my activewear brand, Love and Fit, I wanted to help point other entrepreneurs in the right direction!


This episode will help teach you what's needed to build up your business Instagram page to make sure you're attracting the right audience that will lead to sales!  


Every business is using social media, make sure your presence is effective!



1. What do I post on Instagram for my product based business?

2. How do I work with influencers

3. Should I do Giveaways

4. What should I do on Instagram Stories





Want to book a discovery call with Laura? https://calendly.com/itslaurab/discoverycall


Follow Laura on IG: https://www.instagram.com/laura_loveandfit/