First, for the first time in a  long time I have caught up on my miles.  I am going to hit 400 miles by my 40th.  My pace to hit that target is 3 miles a day.  (Actually, it's a little less, but whatever.)  Usually, I have anywhere from 3 to 7 miles to catch up on, but not this week.  I'm all caught up.

Second, something funny happened.  My brother wished me a happy birthday three months early.   This was the wake-up call I needed.  It kicked my butt into gear and I've been going strong since then - with nutrition - I was doing alright with workouts.

I started following the "Slow Carb" diet created by Tim Ferriss.

I'm eating WAAAAYYY more vegetables, LOTS of beans, meat, and I drink a TON of water, coffee with nothing in it,  and I have a cheat day once a week.

The one thing that I've been trying to figure out is why I crash the day following my cheat day.  I'm experimenting with that.

If you're interested in any of the tools I like check them out here:

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