Married at First Sight Season 13 episode 11 was... heavy. Shit is getting real. Anyone else having trouble keeping up? It was everyone's 1 Montheversary, & that brought with it lots of reflection, some cute gestures, and a whole lot of overthinking. Zack, we can't tell where you're really at but we are suspish (suspicious). Jose, is this a short term performance art piece where you pretend to be someone who takes accountability and is trying to be better? Also can't tell, also suspish. Ryan, why go through all of the effort of a romantic note scavenger hunt, only to tell us the next day you feel less for Brett now than you did THE DAY YOU MET HER?? Does he really mean that? It's hard when one gives us zero clues with their facial expressions - ___ - Can't tell, also suspish. The same came be said about Johnny all the way around, pretty much all the time at this point. AHHH. Pull your hair out with us and help us suss it out. 


Instagram/TikTok: @tildeathdousrecap

Intro Song: Don't Go Home - Pet Dress