Ever done something out of the ordinary... and then had to deal with being asked the same question over and over?

What do you say to people asking me the same hard-to-answer questions over and over?

In this episode:

three options to easily answer hard, repetitive questions why it's so annoying to be asked the same hard Q a mindset shift that can make it easier


Links to things discussed in this episode:

- - - actually - we didn't talk about Patreon this time!.
. Tackling a Backlog of Projects - (Part II)
- - - part II of this three part series (where we talk about dealing with a backlog of ideas.)
. Creating While Handling Change - (Part I)
- - - part I of this three part series (where we talk about how to process a huge change in your life.)

Places to talk to us online:

Ticket2Blog.com Instagram for T2B Facebook for T2B New Blogger Support Crew (also Facebook)
Berna on Instagram Berna's website Jema's website Jema's Facebook Jema's Instagram