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Thus Spake Babaji - online Q and A, No.20
A live online Q and A session, recorded on 10 January 2021.

In this session Shri Babaji gives guidance on the following:

0:00 Babaji's introduction
8:05 Time, place and posture for meditation
10:05 An experience while making an offering at a temple
11:69 A dropping back in meditation
11:05 How do we know we are following the meditation instructions correctly & coming to Ashram after fulfilling role as husband and father
13:07 Significance of sitting in different directions in Tapas
15:36 How to manage our energy
18:06 How do we forgive and bring justice to the atrocities of the past
20:05 Explanation of 'thou art That'
22:00 How can we be sure that we are truly meditating and not imagining
24:30 How long will it take for a beginner to reduce thoughts, anxiety and stress?
27:48 Fasting
30:01 Is God, time and space all a concept?
32:03Does consciousness expand as our concentration becomes more focused?
34:13 Does the practice of silence help in mind activity as well as in meditation?
35:50 Are substances like tobacco to be avoided?
37:09 Does Vedanta and Bhakti Marga help to reach the final goal?
39:45 Happiness and Self-Realization
41:50 Maintaining inner peace after meditation
44:14 Experience of energetic force after initiation into meditation
46:54 Closing words from Babaji

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