In this episode, we get to speak with Dan Mall : Co-founder and CEO of Arcade, and Founder & CEO...

In this episode, we get to speak with Dan Mall : Co-founder and CEO of Arcade, and Founder & CEO of SuperFriendly. We discuss the origins of SuperFriendly, Arcade, the “Get It Out of Your System‬” podcast, and more.

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Twitter: A Fun Way to Manage Design Tokens: https://superfriendlydesign.systemsMake Design Systems People Want to Use: It Out of Your System‬ – Podcast: Build your design system like the pros: Mall – An Event Apart Orlando 2018: Frederick Weiss:

📜 Transcript

Frederick Weiss: [00:00:00] welcome to the Thunder
Nerds… I’m Frederick Philip Von Weiss. Thank you for consuming the show. It’s a
conversation about the people behind the technology that love what they do and do tech good. And speaking of
doing tech good, we have an amazing sponsor for the show. This year we have Auth0, which makes it easy for
developers to build a custom. A secure and standard-based unified login by providing authentication and
authorization as a service. Try them out now go to  they’re also on on  And they also have a cool place for their developer events and stuff like

[00:01:15] Check at So with that being said, let’s go ahead and
get to our amazing guests. I’m really excited to have him back. We have lead designer, creative
director, co-founder and CEO of, and founder and CEO of SuperFriendly Dan mall. Welcome back

[00:01:38] Dan Mall: [00:01:38] Yeah. Thanks
very much. Thanks for having me.

[00:01:39] I like this part two.

[00:01:41] Frederick Weiss: [00:01:41] Yes…
It’s great to talk to you again. I think when we had you on the show, it was in Orlando at An Event
Apart. I think that was like 2017 or 18. I’m a little fuzzy on the details I thought we were talking
about. Oh, okay. Is that right? Yeah. And we were talking about your cool talk and at there, and it was a
lot of fun.

[00:02:02] It was great to get to know you, I’m really excited to have you back
on the show.

[00:02:06] Dan Mall: [00:02:06] Yeah, me too.
This is exciting for me, so thanks for that. Thanks for doing it.

[00:02:10] Frederick Weiss: [00:02:10] Yeah, our
pleasure. Why don’t we first jump into something that’s a little bit topical, which is the COVID? I
certainly got my, a circle-circle-dot-dot Cudi shot in this arm right here.

[00:02:20]Over my bat tattoo. Ironically, what about yourself? Did you have you
gotten the COVID shot or are you planning to, do you have a certain one that you’re looking

[00:02:28] Dan Mall: [00:02:28] forward to.
Yeah, not yet. Haven’t gotten it yet, but I had my appointment scheduled for Saturday. So hopefully all
things go well for a shot.

[00:02:35] Number one on Saturday.

[00:02:37] Frederick Weiss: [00:02:37] W what
are you getting? Do you know if you’re getting the Pfizer, the Johnson and Johnson, what have you think?

[00:02:42] Dan Mall: [00:02:42] It’s the
Pfizer one. I’m not positive about that, but I think it’s the Pfizer.

[00:02:46] Frederick Weiss: [00:02:46] Okay.
Gotcha. Yeah, that’s what I got. I got the Pfizer. And I’m just, I’m really looking forward to
the second shot and having some security, what that brings.

[00:02:55] I don’t know, but hopefully, I believe it gets you to 90, 94% security
in a way I keep using that word, but I don’t know what else to call it, but I’m just hoping that we
move past these things and we get to some level of normalcy or start building up to that.

[00:03:11] I’d like to ask you though, how has it affected you, your family, and
your business.

[00:03:16]Dan Mall: [00:03:16] In a lot of ways
it’s been like business as usual. So like super friendly, which is the agency that I run. We’ve
always been distributed since we opened in 2012. We’ve always worked remotely. So in terms of working
from home and everybody doing that, it hasn’t really been much change.

[00:03:30]The big difference is that everybody else is home too. So it’s like
everyone’s families and kids and all of that stuff. And that’s new for all super friends. So
that’s really been the biggest thing adjusting to kids in school. My kids go to Catholic school. So
there was a portion where they were at home doing learning from home, and then there’s a portion where
they were going to school in person because they have small class sizes.

[00:03:51] So just adjusting to all of that has been weird.

[00:03:56] Frederick Weiss: [00:03:56] Yeah.
Yeah. I’d imagine. What about w what about your wife? I know she’s, she actually just recently
started her own company too. I

[00:04:03] Dan Mall: [00:04:03] actually started
a business as of a, I think earlier this week, maybe last week, I think. And so that’s been going really
well, too, for the last week.

[00:04:10]My wife’s a stay-at-home mom. She’s a writer also. She finished up
her first novel recently. Again, working from home. So we’re used to it that the big complication is
really just that the kids are home with us too. So the space that we had before to do our own thing and do
our own work has evaporated because everybody’s home all the time.

[00:04:26] So trying to figure that out has been a struggle. We’re coping and
we’re trying to do the best we can. Do you

[00:04:33] Frederick Weiss: [00:04:33] mind if I
asked you what the novel is about? Is it science fiction science technology?

[00:04:39] Dan Mall: [00:04:39] Yes. So it’s
a young adult fantasy that she’s writing.

[00:04:42] And I actually don’t know what it’s about because one of the
things that she read, yeah. One of the things that she read and Stephen King’s book was he was like,
never show your first draft to your spouse. It’s the worst thing that you could do. So everybody else
done the book is about, I know very briefly what it’s about.

[00:04:57] I know it’s a, it’s bit Harry Potter esque. There’s a female
lead. And that’s really all I know. So she won’t let me read it until she gets a little bit farther
into the editing stage.

[00:05:07] Frederick Weiss: [00:05:07]
That’s really funny. I am actually in the middle of finishing chapter two of my book, which is hopefully
I’m going to be pushing out soon, which is all about creative direction and how to talk to people and
get your ideas out there.

[00:05:19] But yeah I guess I broke that rule right away. Cause every time I wrote a
little bit, I asked my wife, I was like, Hey, what did you think of this? What do you think of that? Is that
any good that I don’t know?

[00:05:26] Dan Mall: [00:05:26] Totally. Okay.
Yeah. I do the same thing when I write blog posts or anything like that. And so she does the same when she
writes to her blog, but the book is different.

[00:05:33] I think it’s a little bit closer.

[00:05:35] Frederick Weiss: [00:05:35] Okay. If
that makes sense, speaking about your family and super-friendly, which I definitely want to dive into in a
little bit, I’d love to talk about your beginnings of being a freelancer. And I found this really
interesting article that you not an article, rather, a video where you were talking about being a freelancer
and why you left your day job for independence.

[00:05:55] I think that was the title of the video. And you wrote about the common
misconception about. People using the term freelancer that there’s a lot of some people will take that
in the wrong way. They’ll think about it as someone that’s lazy or they live in their parents’
basement, which I’m quoting from the video here.

[00:06:14]Do you mind going into that and how you started with you were working a
full-time job, you were doing freelance at night when you would come home and you were testing the waters of
what it would be like to do freelance, right?

[00:06:27] Dan Mall: [00:06:27] Yeah, totally. I
think one of the things that’s tough about freelance, in general, is that especially in our industry, is
that there’s not a lot of.

[00:06:34] Signals as to whether someone is good or bad at their job. So if you think
about the trade that we have as designers or developers or engineers or writers these are trades and they
are, self-taught usually not everybody goes to school to do them. Some people do and get a degree in design
or graphic design or web design.

[00:06:50]And then other people don’t, they just learn it on their own and they
figure it out. So it’s hard for people, I think, to know where we sit on that spectrum are we trained
it, and are we good at what we do? Or is it something that’s like a hobby, right? There are lots of web
designer hobbyists out there.

[00:07:03] And there are also professional web designers who do that as a living. So
I think the term freelancers is too broad because it encompasses that whole spectrum. And in our industry,
we don’t have things like certifications, generally, there are some, but it’s not a kind of a, an
accepted standard quite yet.

[00:07:18] So it’s hard for people to know what they’re going to get when it
comes to a freelancer. And unfortunately, that affects those that are more professional. And those that are,
have been doing this for a long time, get lumped into the same bucket as those who have not been doing it
for a long time and do it maybe as a hobby.

[00:07:33] So I think we need better terms and we need better ways to signal that
this is something that we can actually be professionals at and be knowledge workers, as opposed to, I’ve
been, I feel like everybody has a version of the story of Oh, my nephew builds websites too.

[00:07:46]Which is that’s cute, but that’s very different than what I do too.
So I think that the term freelancer is loaded and we tend to have to fight against that too, just even to
get paid what we’re worth sometimes.

[00:07:56]Frederick Weiss: [00:07:56] I think a
lot that could contribute to that is the whole gig economy that everybody refers to lately is that a lot of
people are like, you have this job, you have this job, you have this job and you don’t, maybe you might
not specialize in one thing, but, honestly people are trying to just get by.

[00:08:11] And especially in this environment, it’s really difficult. I don’t
understand what’s wrong with the term freelancer and if that’s what you’re doing, that’s
what you’re doing then. That’s great. But do you think more people should empower the term of CEO of
X company? Like they should go out and make an LLC and go that way and post that on LinkedIn, is that for
everyone to go down, or is that more of a very specific kind of thing?

[00:08:37]If you know that you’re a specialist, maybe you want to pursue that

[00:08:42] Dan Mall: [00:08:42] Yeah. I’m
not so bold as to say Oh, everybody should start a company and have a company name and do all that stuff.
That’s good for some folks and that’s not good for other folks. And I think, and I also didn’t
mean to say that the term freelancer is a bad term.

[00:08:53] It’s just that it means lots of different things. And so that’s, I
think that’s the trouble with it is that we don’t know what it means. Some people who are
freelancing are doing it between full-time jobs, and that’s the point of it for them is like they have a
full-time job. They want to do their own thing for a while until the next full-time job.

[00:09:09] And then other folks are like no, this is the business that I want to run,
which is me being a hired gun for other studios or agencies or for direct decline or, whatever that is. And
that’s, my job is to duck in and do my thing over here for a short amount of time. And then move along
to the next thing.

[00:09:23] Both of those are viable paths. Both of those are good paths. But we
don’t know which one we’re talking about when we talk about the term freelancer. So depending on
which one you are, depending on what you want to do with it, some freelancers go into it going I’m going
to start with myself and I’m going to eventually grow into a larger company where I hire people and then
others are like, Nah, I just want it to be me.

[00:09:42]And I want to just do my own thing and be an independent person and work
that way. So again, a freelancer is such a broad category that it feels like it’s an umbrella term for
lots of different things. And some of the things that might come under those terms are like, there are
people who are independent freelancers or independent business owners.

[00:09:59] There are people who are one-person agencies, and that’s the way that
they described themselves. There are, there are full businesses, there are hired guns, there are PERMA
lancers, right? That’s another version of it where those are people who are freelancers that don’t
work as W2 employees, but essentially do long stints or long contracts with companies.

[00:10:16] So like, all of that is, is encompassed in the term freelancer. And
anybody that’s a freelancer tends to have to qualify what they mean by that when somebody is trying to
hire them, or they’re talking to somebody about what they do.

[00:10:28] Frederick Weiss: [00:10:28] Yeah,
it’s interesting because, and again we’ll dive into this in a minute, is you are the only employee
at technically if that’s still correct at super-friendly and you have a re excuse the pun, an array of
employees that, that work for you.

[00:10:44] Which are freelancers and that’s how you could cite the best people
for the position. And I’d like to just first start off by discussing the Sega Genesis hereof at the
beginning of SuperFriendly because a lot of it was from my understanding of what I read about you. It’s
the Oh, trying to find that the quintessential life-work balance, that we’re all seeking, we’re all
hunting for, and for you wanted to spend more time with your family, which is admirable. We all want that.
So you went that path and you started this company. Do you mind just telling us about what that was like,
what that felt like, maybe, some trepidation, I imagine that there’s some fear of leaving your full-time
job or starting this while you still have your full-time job, I’m not

[00:11:25] Dan Mall: [00:11:25] sure.

[00:11:26] Yeah, totally. So definitely there’s a lot of, there’s a lot of
fear and a lot of risks, but I did things to try to mitigate some of that risk and some of that fear. One
thing is I had a job that I love that paid me well. I worked at the time I worked at big spaceship, which is
an agency in New York and they’re still around.

[00:11:40] They’re still doing great stuff they’ve been around for, I
don’t know, 20 years, 25 years, something like that. And it was my dream job. The problem was that I was
working long hours there, and that’s that was part of the culture of, I think agency work. It wasn’t
necessarily their culture, it was mostly like sometimes you’d work long hours to get work done. And so I
just didn’t see a way out of doing that other than asking for things that I thought would be
unreasonable, which is I know everybody’s working long hours here, but could I just work like five hours
a day?

[00:12:06] Would that be cool? Could I work here part-time somehow, but be treated
like everybody else it was just, it just felt an unreasonable thing to be asking about. And so instead, what
I tried to do was because I had that security of a full-time job, I was like, okay I can make an investment
in that.

[00:12:20] I can basically work two full-time jobs. I would work at the agency during
the day, and then I’d come home and have dinner with my wife. And then I would work another full-time
job, at night. And so I didn’t get a lot of sleep for that year, but I got to experiment with a lot of
different things.

[00:12:33]And before starting super-friendly, so when I started SuperFriendly in
2012, at that point, I had worked at other agencies for 12 years. I’m not really starting from scratch.
I already had clients lined up. I had a good portfolio based on the work that I had already done, so like I
had all these advantages, all this privilege, and starting an agency, it wasn’t like starting from
scratch with anything.

[00:12:52] It was like, it was, I had a lot of things already. As I worked the two
full-time jobs, I was able to test how much I could charge a client, and not be afraid that a client was
going to say no, because. I had a full-time job and I had a good salary. So if somebody said, Oh, the prices
too high, it wasn’t like, Oh I’m not going to eat this month.

[00:13:09]I didn’t have that risk. And I didn’t have that worry in a lot in a
way that a lot of freelancers and a lot of business owners do because for, this industry is a lot of feast
or famine. So I had all these things that I was able to test while I had a full-time job, but then mitigated
the risk when I started SuperFriendly it was like, I already had clients lined up.

[00:13:26] I already had contracts that I knew I could use. I already had a way of
doing business that I’d already tested out. When I was freelancing. I had already tested the idea of
could I build teams? And could that be a thing that I sell, teams of freelancers and H how do you organize

[00:13:39] How do you direct them? How do you get everybody on the same page? Like
all of those things, I had already experimented with those prior to today, one super-friendly. So I feel
like I started at a pretty big advantage when starting my agency.

[00:13:51] Frederick Weiss: [00:13:51] Yeah,
that makes sense. And then I like too that you took that time to just experiment and see how it would

[00:13:56] Like you said, feast or famine. It’s like the old thing where people
would say, Oh, you, you just get on a bus and you go to LA and you become a movie star, right? Like
it’s, maybe thinks about a strategy you have that full-time job and try freelance out while you’re
doing that, while you can, make sure that you could still eat and experiments, you don’t have to go
all-in where I think some personalities do or have to be sane.


[00:14:22]Dan Mall: [00:14:22] One of the things
that were really helpful for me is I got to learn, by working for other people for so long, I got to learn
on somebody else’s time. So I didn’t have to make mistakes on my own dime. I actually could do it. I
actually could make mistakes and somebody else would pay me for that.

[00:14:35]That is a massive privilege to have, and that is a massive advantage to
have. And especially for those people, one of my superpowers is I’m able to learn from other
people’s mistakes. I’m not the kind of person who has to make mistakes on their own in order to get
the lessons from them.

[00:14:47] So the ability to observe how other people do things and then mentally
reconcile okay, yeah. If I ever had my own thing, like I would do that, or I would do that a little bit
differently, or I would stay away from that. Like I had a lot of time and experience to be able to observe
those things and then formulate, okay what would my version look like?

[00:15:03]How could I remix all the pieces that I enjoyed? And then also eliminate
some of the pieces that I thought were faulty, or I had a different version of how I wanted to try it out,
and so that was a kind of a long time in the making, even though I didn’t realize that certainly at
first that was a long time to making.

[00:15:19] Frederick Weiss: [00:15:19] Yeah. So
maybe we could talk about the model that you have with SuperFriendly again, discussing the whole freelance
life and what goes into that. It’s again, you’re the only employee at super-friendly and you,
I’ll let you say this in your own words, but from my understanding it’s, you’re sourcing the
best people for a project.

[00:15:39] You’re finding people that fit within that special unique need that
challenge from the customer. And with that, you’re able to provide the best service moving forward. Am I
understanding that, right?

[00:15:52] Dan Mall: [00:15:52] Yeah. You got
it. You got it exactly right. I’m the only employee and everybody else is a contractor. And what we try
to do is.

[00:15:59] Pitch that way, and say this is the best team for you. And one of the
things that kind of led to that was, I remember when I was at big spaceship and working there, we pitched
Crayola at the time. And we walked into the meeting and we had, there was four, four of us in the meeting
and we all went with and introduced herself and said, Hey, I’m Dan I’m design director.

[00:16:17] And co went around the table. And one of the people on the project is my
friend Vic and Vic introduced himself as a strategist. He said I’m going to be the senior strategist
working on this. And in a previous life, I was an elementary school teacher and the client stopped us. And
he said hang on a sec.

[00:16:31]Did you say you were an elementary school teacher? And Vic was like, yeah.
I taught for, this many years. And the client Rob, who is the head of the digital at Crayola, Crayola does a
lot of things for teachers and parents, and kids, in addition to making products, they really are invested
in how kids learn and how creativity manifested learning.

[00:16:47] So as soon as he heard that Vic was a teacher, an elementary school
teacher, he was like you guys win. You all win then. That’s it like, will you? And I was like and that
was it. The pitch was over. It was like, and it made me realize if you have the right people on the team,
sometimes that’s how you win.

[00:17:01]Sometimes the way that you win is the go you just have people on the team
that other agencies don’t have, they don’t have. And so it made me realize if we could just have all
the right people on the team at all at the given time, at the right time, then for some of those, we just

[00:17:14] Like we win based on that now to employ all of those people would be
incredibly expensive, but maybe they don’t have to be employed. Maybe they just have to be willing to
commit a certain amount of time to the work, which I’m like, Oh, that sounds like what freelancers do
anyway. So if all of the folks could be in the network could be in the Rolodex, it could be a phone call

[00:17:32] And I could incentivize them appropriately, whether that’s with money
or freedom or something interesting to do, or the team to work on or a client, whatever those incentives
are. Perhaps there’s something there, perhaps there’s a model there that we could use. And so as I
researched that more, I’m like that’s, I’m not inventing that’s called the Hollywood

[00:17:48] That’s how Hollywood makes movies. Like the way that I talk about a
Brad Pitt is not a full-time employee anywhere. Leonardo DiCaprio is not a full-time employee. They’re
essentially contractors, right? To employ them, freelancers, actors, directors, photography, and they all
come together for an amount of time, two years, three years, five years to make a movie.

[00:18:08] And then they all go their separate ways after that. And they have no idea
if they’re going to make another movie together again, maybe they will. Maybe the whole team will get
back together. Maybe they won’t. But that doesn’t stop them from making something really good
together or at least trying to, and I’m like, man, I Hollywood has that figured out.

[00:18:22]So it could that model work in digital, and so that was the Sega Genesis of

[00:18:28] Frederick Weiss: [00:18:28] It makes
me think of the Avengers where you have all these, like you said, these talented individuals that come
together and make a movie and wow. That’s a team.

[00:18:36]Dan Mall: [00:18:36] I prefer the
super friends inside of the ventures, but,

[00:18:38] Frederick Weiss: [00:18:38] Oh, is
that where you’re going for? I noticed with a few of the companies there’s a super theme, maybe.
Okay. We’ll leave it at that. So why don’t we discuss one of the new or newer you could tell me when
this came out from my understanding, it’s a little bit new where the making design systems people want
to use and I’ll share a share my screen so we can both look, we can all look at it together, but do you
mind if we touch on that and talk about it a little bit?

[00:19:03] Sounds good. Yeah.

[00:19:09] So I imagine everybody could see this right now.

[00:19:11] Dan Mall: [00:19:11] I can

[00:19:11] Frederick Weiss: [00:19:11] see it.
Perfect. Tell us about how this came about and w what design systems people don’t want to use as the
title implies.

[00:19:20] Dan Mall: [00:19:20] Yeah, sure.
Super friendly. Is generally expensive. And I like to say, I like to think that’s because we deliver a
lot of value to our clients and that they make more money from hiring us than they would by not.

[00:19:33]And I hope that’s the case for every time. It’s probably not. But
we’d like to try for that. And there are just some clients who need what we do or need what we know, but
can’t hire us because they can’t afford to, or the timing’s not right. Or whatever. And so one
of the things that we wanted to do for a long time is have something at all different price points.

[00:19:50] So if there’s a client that can spend a million dollars, we have
something for them and a client that can spend a thousand dollars, we have something for them. And we just,
haven’t been good at filling in kind of the lower end of that. And so the course is the first step in
that, which is we turn away a good deal of clients for lots of reasons, and one of those reasons is

[00:20:07]We try to be as accommodating as we can, but for those that have a thousand
bucks to spend, we don’t want to just say sorry, go away. It’s maybe you can take our course. Maybe
you could learn about design systems. You still have to do a lot of the work on your own based on what you
learn as opposed to hiring us, to help you with it.

[00:20:20] But, at least that’s something that hopefully that’s better than
nothing. So that’s where that course came from. And one of the things that we experienced every time we
work with a client on design systems is every single day, the time when we go in and we talk to them, they
go, we tried this design system thing like a year ago and I, a team here put together some components and
they thought it’d be good.

[00:20:37] And they shared it with all the other teams and then no one really used
it. And we’re just not sure if a design system works for us and I’m like, Oh no, but it does. But
every client, the screenshot you have up here, the episode for every client we’ve ever worked with has a
design system, graveyards yeah, we tried it and then it died and then, we buried it.

[00:20:52] And so we’re just not sure how to go about this. So that’s the
thing is like, there is a process and there is a good way to get people invested in going I really want to
use that design system, but there’s a lot of teams go about it the wrong way, even though it’s the
intuitive way they go about it the wrong way.

[00:21:06] So we just wanted to teach how we make successful design systems. I wanted

[00:21:12] Frederick Weiss: [00:21:12] read this
because this echoes in my head of what you have here, it says it, it takes a specific process and mindset to
make a design system that actually gets used. What, w what is the challenge? I understand that

[00:21:27] Probably shy away from any kind of digital governance. They right away
that a wall goes up and I’m not going to do this way. Human nature is people don’t want change. They
w I’ve been doing it this way for three years and it works fine. If it’s not broken, don’t try
to fix it.

[00:21:44] What’s that summertime some summertime. Yeah. Anyway, but yeah what is
it why do people not want to use these things some of the time? Why is there resistance?

[00:21:54] Dan Mall: [00:21:54] Yeah, I think
you nailed it. It’s all the human nature stuff. It’s all the but I’ve been doing it this way and
you haven’t convinced me that your way is better, so that’s one thing. And how that specifically
applies to a design system is what a lot of teams do is the goal. Let’s make a bunch of basic building
blocks, right? We’ll make cards and tables and headers and footers and all that stuff. And then
we’ll give that to all the teams internally and then a team will see it and they’ll go.

[00:22:15] Yeah, but that card doesn’t have two buttons in it. And I need our
cards to have two buttons instead of one. So therefore you can’t use it, it would take me longer to
understand what you’re doing, modify it, add a new button, add another button without breaking anything.
For that, I might as well just do it the way that I’ve been doing it.

[00:22:30] Ah, just use bootstrap. And we hear that all the time bootstrap. Ah, who
cares. Yeah. Yeah. Because they know how to use it. That’s the reason. And so just making a bunch of
things and handing it to people go yeah, I use this, oftentimes they go but I can’t, or it just looks
more difficult than the way I’m doing it now.

[00:22:47] So all of the things that design systems are supposed to do, help you be
more consistent, help you be more efficient. The adoption part of it is but it’s got to be better. Like
it’s got to even be, it has to attract you by being better. And if that, if you don’t even clear
that hurdle, then most folks go yeah, just keep using bootstrap.

[00:23:04] It’s been fine. So so the human nature stuff is. How do you get
somebody to do something new? You have to find their incentive and most teams don’t go far enough to
find the incentive. What’s the incentive, to redo someone’s whole process of how they’ve been
building something.

[00:23:19] There is no incentive, usually in fact it’s the opposite. It’s
usually a risk. Oh, so you want me to learn something new and use your thing? And if I don’t do it well,
that potentially I could get fired or demoted. And if I do it well though, there’s no reward. So like,
why would I do that? And so that’s usually the hurdle to clear is that the incentives aren’t made
clear. And so part of the course is about going, like, how do you expose the incentives? How do you build it
in a process that, exposes the incentives clearly and upfront, and then gets that automatic buy-in and that
automatic kind of contribution process?

[00:23:50] And that’s the idea of piloting that I think it’s episode five or
something in the course.

[00:23:56] Frederick Weiss: [00:23:56] Gotcha.
Let me ask you, then that brings a, an interesting question. I think to me who exactly is this for? Who is
the intended audience? Is this for somebody at a like a VP level to bring it to their team and say, Hey, I
need a, I need everybody to watch this, understand it, or is this something that you could use possibly in
an advantageous way as a tool to get a conversation started Hey, these people are coming in.

[00:24:23]Why don’t we all take a look at these videos and they’ll help us
understand where we’re going to go in the future. I don’t

[00:24:30] Dan Mall: [00:24:30] know. Yeah.
It’s less for VPS. It’s less for the C-level. I think those folks have different kinds of
conversations than the conversation that we had in the course. So the course is mostly for Directors
managers, people who are managing teams of designers and engineers, or product folks who just don’t have
the language to talk about design systems.

[00:24:48]They may be, they may understand it at a high level. They might understand
like, yeah, the design system is mostly like a kit of parts that we can use to make other stuff faster. But
then part of it is, especially when I talk to product owners or product managers and, even a lot of design
directors are engineering managers.

[00:25:03] When they look at it, Oh, when I think about a design system, they
conflate it with Hey, that’s like a UI kit. And it’s no, not really, oh, that’s Oh yeah. We have
a component library. That’s different. So I think part of it is just getting everybody on the same page,
giving folks language on what to use to go here’s the difference between these things.

[00:25:19] Here’s why one thing, here’s why a component library is different
from a design system. And here’s why here’s how you could use a design system. Actually more to take
more advantage of it than a component library. So a lot of it is for kind of director-level folks and
managers who need to have the language and a more integral understanding of what their designers or their
engineers or product folks are doing.

[00:25:40]And then it’s also for practitioners too. It’s also for designers
and developers. Mostly, designers understand what a design system is, but they don’t really understand
how engineers work with the design system. And then vice versa engineers are like, yeah, I get what it is,
but how that designer actually uses this.

[00:25:54] So a lot of this is about understanding what the other side does. You know
what if you’re an engineer, how does a designer work with this, and how do I work with a designer, to
either make a design system or use a design system? So it’s for that tier of folks, it’s like
directors and managers and practitioners in the design engineering kind of product trifecta.

[00:26:13] Frederick Weiss: [00:26:13]
Here’s an interesting comment from Todd Libby here. Two buttons go in one button, walks out a lot of
this sounds like a comfort zone. People don’t want to leave. I think we touched on that. It’s a lot
of it is just that I’m going to hold on to my blanket and you’re not going to take it away.

[00:26:32] This is, this is my blankie, right? That’s a

[00:26:35] Dan Mall: [00:26:35] fair analogy or
not absolutely Todd Libby. That’s a great great thing. And thank you, Todd. It’s nice to hear a
comment from you. Yeah, I think that’s true. It’s why would you give up your blankie unless you got
a better one and unless you thought it was better, right?

[00:26:48] Not that somebody else saying Oh, this is better. I have kids. I remember
when they were younger. I couldn’t take their blankets away from them, even if I was like, but this
one’s better. This one’s softer. This one’s new. This. It wasn’t attractive enough, and but
once we find something to like, Oh, I’ll give you chocolate with it.

[00:27:01] They’re like, okay, cool. I’ll give up my blanket. So like some,
my chocolate it’s irrational sometimes it’s I don’t know. And I think you’ve got us,
you’ve got to switch that brain totally. Exactly. So I think those are the things that, design system
teams don’t have enough practice at that that stops us from, stops other teams from wanting to adopt the
good work that we’re doing.

[00:27:19]Frederick Weiss: [00:27:19] And I
don’t want to go too deep in the woods in here, but I just want to touch on some of these things. Cause
I, I think they’re important for maybe people that are trying to get their eye, their mind around what a
design system is. And like for episode number three, here that you have component libraries versus design
systems do just for the sake of brevity and getting that out there a quick explanation of a design system
and why it’s not a component library.

[00:27:45] Dan Mall: [00:27:45] Yeah, design
systems are part of it. Yeah. Design systems are connected. That’s the big difference between component
libraries. Aren’t you really connected to anything cause of component libraries you can copy and paste
from, and that’s how you use them. I, if I use bootstrap as a component library, Oh, I copy the card

[00:28:00]The HTML, I paste it into my thing, but if you update something if
bootstrap updates, Oh, I got to go back and recopy and repaste. Oh, but I overrode my changes that I
actually changed them up. It’s the connectedness. So most design systems I would venture to say almost
all design systems are probably packaged, managed their software products.

[00:28:19] They’re probably built on NPM or yarn or something that you can use as
a dependency. And that’s what creates the connection between your app and the system itself. Right?
Component libraries. Aren’t connected UI kits. Aren’t connected. So there’s a lot to cover
there, but that’s the 62nd version.

[00:28:35] Well,

[00:28:35]Frederick Weiss: [00:28:35] And
that’s why someone needs to go in and watch these videos because you go into all that and it’s
I’m sure it’s a great explanation. When some of you had somebody actually watches the full video.
The other thing I just want to briefly touch on. Cause again I don’t want to give everything away here
is about the buy-in part.

[00:28:52] So we talked about the friction, the resistance. So buy-in isn’t a
thing that you get once before you create a design system, it’s an ongoing investment. So I just, found
that so insightful because not every project is a living, breathing project. That’s not, you wrote a
book. Books printed it’s done.

[00:29:12] But also when you have these projects they live on, I think some of the
videos that I’ve seen you talk about is, companies, they don’t have just one website now or this or
that. It’s, they have a website, they have internet, they have X amount of websites. It’s
there’s a, they have X amount of apps.

[00:29:28] These are things that live and breathe and the

[00:29:31] Dan Mall: [00:29:31] evolve as well.
Absolutely. That’s the point of this stuff is and that’s why they have to maintain a connection
because as your app evolves the system, and as the system evolves, you want both of those to move in stride,
otherwise, when you disconnect it, that’s where we get legacy applications from.

[00:29:46] And that’s where we get Oh, we haven’t touched that thing in seven
years. And actually to update that would be its own project. And that would be a year-long project where
it’s it doesn’t have to be, if you can architect it well enough, it doesn’t have to be. So I
think, that’s the point of it is Digital things change, and that’s the advantage of them as opposed
to, doing print work or something digital things can change and you can change them often.

[00:30:05] So why not change them in a way that everybody gets the benefit of those

[00:30:09] Frederick Weiss: [00:30:09] Yeah, it
makes a lot of sense. Yeah, so again we’ll put a link in the show notes for all that. So everybody could
take a look at that and really explore those videos great stuff there. And the next thing I really want to
talk about is arcade.

[00:30:21] And I love this for design tokens. I don’t know if everybody gets the
pun right away of putting the coin in. But for the, again, for the sake of brevity, if for the people that
don’t know exactly what a design token is, I’d rather hear it from you as the expert.

[00:30:35] Dan Mall: [00:30:35] Yeah, sure. For
what it’s worth still workshopping this because it’s fairly new, I usually point people in other

[00:30:41] There’s a great video that Gina Anne made about design tokens. She put
it on YouTube and on our Twitter. It’s great, it’s a much better explanation than I’ve ever
given. So I usually point people there, the short version that I’ve got, the best that I’ve got so
far here is I designed token is like a way to capture a brand decision.

[00:30:57] So for example, think of every, any company that you might know of, or the
company that you work with, you probably have the main brand color, right? So like Spotify has green and
Lyft has pink and Hertz has yellow, all that kind of stuff and everything that you make. Is going to use
that same brand color right now.

[00:31:15] The problem is if you have to distribute that brand color, that’s a
difficult problem to have. That’s why you see, Spotify as green is a little bit different everywhere
because they’re not connected to one source. And so the idea of is if you could connect all those things
to one source, if you could define the green in one place and then everything else that needs to use that
green references, that one place, that way of Spotify green ever changes, or, they want to make it darker or
lighter because they want to be more accessible or it goes through a rebrand and Spotify, green is not
Spotify purple.

[00:31:44]What’d you change in that one place. Every other place that is
referencing that token then gets the ability to be updated. Again, this goes with the design system thing
where once it’s connected, you get a lot of advantages. So design token is a way to capture some of that
stuff. And it’s not just color.

[00:31:58] Spacing its topography, it’s all, animation time, it’s all sorts
of things like that. It’s capturing your brand properties, putting them in a place, and then allowing
other things to reference them. So arcade is a way to store some of those, be able to interact with them in
a much smarter way than some of the tooling that exists currently.

[00:32:14]Frederick Weiss: [00:32:14] So why
did, what exactly did you start this company? What, why what was the thing that you saw and you were like,
you know what, I need to get this gone.

[00:32:23] Dan Mall: [00:32:23] So it’s
super friendly. We do a lot of design systems work as we talked about and every client that we work with
wants to tool like this, and I don’t blame them.

[00:32:31]So do we, we’re like a tool, like a tool that will help you capture
these design tokens and put them somewhere and reference them. Would be great. And, we hard-code them, we do
it manually. I know lots of teams that do that, or they build their own solutions for them and they’re
just not sustainable.

[00:32:45]There’s, they’re not sustainable in the same way that any
custom-built tool that you make is not sustainable. It’s great. It probably works for your needs, but
then that person leaves the company or like they get reallocated to something else. And then all of a sudden
you’re stuck trying to maintain this thing that nobody else knows how to do.

[00:32:59] So after years of actually just call our clients saying do you have a tool
for this? And we’re like, not really, and for us being like, who is going to make this we figured we
should make it.

[00:33:11] Frederick Weiss: [00:33:11] Makes
sense. It’s totally in your wheelhouse and what you guys are doing.

[00:33:15]I wanted to read this, which is, it says here a fun way to create, edit and
manage design tokens for enterprise teams. Use, you specifically use the language enterprise teams, which I
get, but do you mind just talking about that pain point specifically for enterprise teams and how that can
help mitigate some of that?

[00:33:37]Some of the challenges.

[00:33:38] Dan Mall: [00:33:38] Yeah, sure. So
we worked with a client a year ago now, two years ago now. And they were undertaking a rebrand, and their
rebrand was very minor. When you, compared to, when you talk about what rebrands generally are, if only
think about rebrands, it’s like we’re going to change the logo and our color palette, and we’re
going to have different messaging and we’re do all this.

[00:33:57] So the rebrand for this company was, all of our buttons are currently
yellow. We’re going to change them all to purple. That was the reboot. And I was like, okay. They
estimated that effort to be I think three years and however many millions of dollars, right? Tens of
millions of dollars, because they have that many apps.

[00:34:16] They have that many products, they have that many things, and it’s
we’re talking about one button change, like just changing the color of a button. But when you think
about they have hundreds of apps, some are on legacy code. Some are not even on the current tech stack.
Some, don’t even have people that know the technologies that they’re built on anymore.

[00:34:33] Imagine going into those apps one by one and just see, if it’s
architected well from a front-end perspective, maybe it’s changing a few lines of CSS, but not all of
them are architected. Either. So imagine every app one by one, every site, every app you’re having to go
in and we’re talking about iOS, we’re talking about Android, we’re talking about the web.

[00:34:51] We’re talking about, kiosks, like all of that stuff. And it’s like
changing the one button. A few years, a few dozens of millions of dollars, right? It’s a massive
problem, and they’re not the only one like lots of companies have that same problem where it’s
easier for them to just declare bankruptcy on the apps to go.

[00:35:07]We’re just going to make a bunch of stuff from scratch. Cause it’s
easier. Even that is a massive effort. What do you’re choosing between two really poor options? So
that’s why we’re focusing on enterprise teams. Ultimately we might open this up to yeah, anybody
that wants to use design tokens.

[00:35:20] But right now it is such a pain point specifically for enterprises that
have many digital apps that we want to try to solve that first. Because I think that there’s a lot of
impacts there. And then maybe we can expand the user group to a little bit larger, but that’s where
we’re starting on it.

[00:35:35] Frederick Weiss: [00:35:35] Yeah, I
can totally see if you have a larger company, like you said, changing the color or changing the logo across
all the applications and websites and just being, yeah. Able to just do that in one, one spot with that now
interacting with several different team members, several different times, or probably a lot more.

[00:35:54] What am I talking about? Several hundreds of different team members all
across the world. It’s yeah. It’s as you’re putting it out, that’s quite a challenge. Why
don’t we, why don’t we discuss the podcast? I’m so interested in this podcast and so it’s
the, get it out of your system podcasts, a clever name once again, when did you actually start this?

[00:36:16] Dan Mall: [00:36:16] Oh boy. I think
that was maybe three years ago or two years ago, something like that. So we have a season, a season out
that’s about, I think, six episodes or something like that. We’ve been working on season two for a
while, but it’s just been on the back burner because of other things.

[00:36:28]But it’s a podcast where we ask guests one question we ask what’s
the hardest thing that you’re dealing with in terms of your design system right now. And that’s it.
And we go, as long as the conversation goes, some conversations are 10 minutes, some conversations with 30
minutes. We just follow all the rabbit holes, that we go down and it’s a pretty fun conversation with
the folks that we’ve had so far.

[00:36:46] Frederick Weiss: [00:36:46] So w why
did you actually start the podcast? What was the inspiration for actually get into podcasting? I

[00:36:55] Dan Mall: [00:36:55] like talking to
people, I think that’s part of what it is and and and so that’s one thing the other thing is, and I
think this is a common thread between all of our design system, things that design systems are so

[00:37:06] I, generally relatively in our industry over the last decade that so many
people and so many teams just don’t know if they’re doing it like everybody else, and they’re
just like, we have no idea. We have no relative measure of this. And I think it’s important to hear from
people like you in the positions that you’re in, the, for all the listeners like to hear that somebody
else’s like having the same problems that you are, I think there’s a lot of comradery in

[00:37:29] And I think, a design system is a community effort. Ultimately, when
it’s done well, a design system is serving all of the different parts of an organization from product to
engineering, to QA, to content, to, all of those things to brand. And I think that we need a sense of
community in the design system industry, and I think that conferences like clarity and on the design system,
Slack channel are doing a good job to capitalize on that.

[00:37:51] And I feel like we need more of those things. Like I think those things
are great and we need more. So to hear somebody else hear a design leader at Lyft or at, Google or at,
wherever say yeah trying to convince people to use this thing as hard. I think we’ve gotten a lot of
feedback from listeners to go like, oh, I’m having that problem too.

[00:38:07] And I thought it was just me. So I think that was part of the impetus for
the podcast is let’s just let people talk about the problems that they’re having. And we don’t,
we actually specifically don’t get into the solutions a lot, it’s not Oh, and this is how we solve
that problem.

[00:38:19] It’s yeah, this is hard me too. And I think that even that is like as
good enough for a conversation and a worthwhile conversation to have.

[00:38:26]Frederick Weiss: [00:38:26] It’s
nice to have that camaraderie. If I said that word, probably not, but it’s nice to be able to talk to
somebody else about a problem that you’re having and them having a similar or the same problem, and just
talking it out makes you feel a little bit better.

[00:38:39] And sometimes you come up with an idea afterward, too. Exactly. Yeah.
Speaking of, and I’m sure I’ll embarrass her. I know, we talked about Sarah’s book, which is
building design systems. You should get her on the podcast. If you go to thunder there’s a
book, a funny URL, but she couldn’t be with us today.

[00:38:59] She’s a, it’s our anniversary. Just wanted to wish her a happy
anniversary, Sarah and Brian. I hope you’re feeling better. I know what you’re sick, but I wanted to
throw that out there for a little happy anniversary to Sarah, but I’m sorry. Go ahead.

[00:39:13] Dan Mall: [00:39:13] Oh, I was going
to say happy anniversary, Sarah too.

[00:39:15] And and I love that book. That’s a great book. I recommend that book
to, for, to a lot of folks too. So thank you for writing that book. That’s very helpful.

[00:39:22] Frederick Weiss: [00:39:22] Yeah.
Speaking of books obviously, you have a well-known book out there that people love, which is let me see if I
have an image of it.

[00:39:30] So I had a good pricing design, which is a great book, but I saw a tweet
the other day where you were talking about possibly a new book on the horizon. Any, anything you could tell
us about that new book, anything at all? I hope I’m not putting you on the spot.

[00:39:47] Dan Mall: [00:39:47] You are put on
the spot. That’s okay.

[00:39:48] I can tell you that it will probably be a book, Andy, probably with pages,
but yeah, it might be some writing also in it by me, I think.

[00:40:02] Frederick Weiss: [00:40:02]
That’s it nothing else.

[00:40:03] Dan Mall: [00:40:03] That’s what
I got.

[00:40:06] Frederick Weiss: [00:40:06]
That’s perfectly understandable. Just one thought I try to just, edge it out a little bit and see if I
could get

[00:40:11] Dan Mall: [00:40:11] something out of
you about that, but that’s fine.

[00:40:13] You might get a gap here and there if you keep poking on it.

[00:40:18] Frederick Weiss: [00:40:18] Cool. The
other thing I wanted to talk to you about that I thought was really interesting is the envision app thing
that you’re doing with I think it’s with Josh Clark and Brad frost. I’m not sure when that came
out, is that fairly recent?

[00:40:31] Dan Mall: [00:40:31] That was maybe
two or three years ago. So I think maybe 2017 or 2018, something

[00:40:36] Frederick Weiss: [00:40:36] around
that, I’m in the past. I find it really interesting because I was going through some of the videos and
it was just, this was very insightful. I, at least I thought so. I loved how you went into some of the
episodes here the heartache of design here, actually, maybe I should scroll down a little bit here, which is

[00:40:54] You guys are, and yeah. So the heartache of design at scale selling the
value of design systems, which struck me funny. I wonder is it still difficult to sell the value at this
point now? Two years later,

[00:41:09]Dan Mall: [00:41:09] It is difficult.
I think it’s difficult for different reasons two years later.

[00:41:12] So I think that, when we made the podcast, or excuse me, we made the
videos Selling the idea of design systems was still a thing that we had to do. We helped out a lot of our
clients with doing that where like someone in an organization that usually comes up from the design or
engineering or product group is I heard about this thing, or I know about this thing.

[00:41:30] It’s really good, but nobody else here knows about it. So I just need
help evangelizing the idea. So a lot of times we would help evangelize the idea of it. Nowadays, we almost
get no pushback, from any level of the organization where people go yeah, I know a design system is

[00:41:43] Like I get it. It’s a good investment for a company. What we’re
doing though is when you have that conversation is still difficult and that’s the thing that people
still do poorly. In, in my observation, which is that people what teams try to do is they try to sell it
before they made anything.

[00:41:58]And it’s like trying to sell vaporware. So what a lot of teams try and
do is they try to say They try to make their case for if we had a design system, here’s the ROI, here
are some examples of other folks that have done well with the design system and they try to sell their
leadership on that, but it’s still vaporware.

[00:42:12] Like you haven’t made anything yet. And you haven’t done anything
about it. And so it’s hard to sell. It’s hard to say, if we had this, it would be great. And so do
your leadership, would you drop a million dollars for us to, or half a million dollars or $3 million,
whatever, however, many millions of dollars or even hundreds of thousands of dollars to even do this.

[00:42:30] And leadership is no, because I don’t know what I’m buying yet,
and I, for what it’s worth, I think that’s a smart decision. That’s what I would say if I were
in there in their shoes too. And, and that goes to the kind of counter-intuitive way to make design systems
is like you do, as you make a bunch of stuff first, and then you say to your leadership, we did this in a
very specific way, and these are just little mini examples of what we could do.

[00:42:53] And we want to try and scale that now. So you basically have to put your
picture, you’d make your MVP, and then you pitch to leadership and you go, if you want us to do more of
these things, now you just have to do the math. Now. It’s like the efficiencies that we had on these
three small projects, multiply it by the number of teams.

[00:43:08] We have the number of people. We have the number of products we have, and
then they start to do the math and go Oh yeah, we could see how that, you know how that goes. And that
becomes a much easier sell. So it’s more, it’s still difficult, but it’s difficult for different
reasons than when we first made that video series.

[00:43:21] Frederick Weiss: [00:43:21] Yeah.
That makes a lot of sense. I could see where somebody would bring that too. Like you were talking about the
one things for, directors, but if you could bring that to a C level or a VP and communicate the value and
really the bottom line of the cost, what is this going to save?

[00:43:38] How is this going to make us more efficient, right? Yeah, absolutely.
Yeah. I wanted to ask you about a few people DMV and they wanted to know more about your day-to-day, what
actually you do at super-friendly. We can all guess that, obviously, you’re probably putting these
design systems together.

[00:43:56]You’re organizing with other members of your team. Do you mind just
walking us through what that looks like?

[00:44:02] Dan Mall: [00:44:02] Yeah, totally.
I’m a, I’m pulling up my calendar now to go like, all right what’s even on my calendar. What
have I been doing the last couple of days? I don’t work on projects anymore.

[00:44:09] I haven’t worked on projects in a couple of years. I am probably bad
at them at this point. And like a little too salty about client work now. So it’s probably better that I
don’t work on projects. So for me, super-friendly is my project. Last year, so like we’ve covered

[00:44:24] I’m the only employee. And I think a lot of folks are like, Oh, that
probably means super friendly as a small crew. Last year we had about 60 people working on super-friendly
projects across the year. So it’s like running a 60 person agency except some of the rules aren’t
defined yet.

[00:44:37] So my time is generally spent working on super-friendly to figure out,
like, how does the model work? How does it scale? How do we pitch? I do some marketing stuff for
super-friendly. So yeah, that’s the stuff that I do. I’m looking at my, my, my stuff today my
calendar today.

[00:44:52] So what I did today was this morning, I had a conversation with a writer
who’s helping me express what super-friendly values are so that we can publish that more and more about
how we work. So I talked to her about that. Then, Oh, today I had Every Thursday, we have an, what we call
opportunities to call where for every super friend, whether they’re working on a project or not, we
invite everybody to hear about all the leads that we have and what the opportunities are for

[00:45:17] So if anybody wants to work on a project or they want to hear about
what’s going on, we had, we have that open every Thursday. So I did that, today I talked to my
co-founder at the arcade. We had a one-on-one on what’s the vision of this product? Where do we want to
go over the next couple of months?

[00:45:30]I talked to my head of operations today because she was like, I have a
better way for us to do everything. I’m like sweet. So she shared with me some diagrams that she’s
been making about what if we did things this way? I’m like, that’s awesome. I had a one-on-one after
that with our designer at arcade Julia.

[00:45:46]And I did some critiquing with her. And so that was my day. That was my day
today. If I were to describe to you my day yesterday, it will look completely different than that, but those
are the kinds of things that I do. And most of it is not really, designing much, although I should say
today, I designed a new landing page for arcade, to work on with Julia, so I designed like half of it and
then handed it off to her to finish up.

[00:46:06]I still do some stuff like that. It’s kinda random. I don’t know if
that helps answer the quiz. Yeah, I think

[00:46:12]Frederick Weiss: [00:46:12] Are you
still one of those early, earlier, early-bird people? I can’t get my mind around that because I’m a
night owl, but one of the things I read or saw about the use that you get a lot of your work done between
five and seven.

[00:46:24] Is that still true? Does that

[00:46:27] Dan Mall: [00:46:27] resonate? I get
up usually around four 30, five o’clock in the morning. I work for about an hour or two before, like
getting my kids ready for school and dropping them off at school. And so that’s my time where I’m
alert, my brain is ready. It’s I’ve slept.

[00:46:39] I have rest. And my brain is like, cool, let’s go. Let’s do some
things. I’m like, all right, excellent. Nobody’s tweeting at me. Nobody’s emailing. Nobody’s
slacking. Nobody’s that so that’s the time where I’m like, all right, ready to go. And I get
most of my work done it at that time

[00:46:53]Frederick Weiss: [00:46:53] For the
people that say wow how does Dan do all this stuff?

[00:46:56]Is it more just that, it’s part of your lifestyle. Like for example if
you want to be a runner, if you run, I run. If you want to run, you can’t miss a day because it’s
easy to fall off and then not do it again. You have to live it. And it seems to me like what you described
in your schedule there, which is very busy, it’s just, this is just the way you live.

[00:47:15] This is your life is part of an integral part of your life,

[00:47:19] Dan Mall: [00:47:19] right? W with
work. I think so. I think it’s relative, right? Cause like it’s surprising to me when somebody is
like, Oh, you get so much done because I feel like I admire other people. I’m like they get so much

[00:47:30] So relatively, I don’t get a lot done, but it is relative. So I think
part of it is that part of it is just, what your frame of reference is. The other part of it is and I was
lucky to learn this I don’t know, maybe 10 years ago in my career, which is there’s this thing
called Parkinson’s law.

[00:47:45]Do you know Parkinson’s law? I’m talking about, I’m not aware
of no, right? It’s Parkinson’s law says something to the effect of work expands to the time allotted
to do it. Something like that, which is if you give yourself eight hours, if you give yourself eight hours
to do a thing, how long is that thing going to take to do probably eight hours?

[00:48:00]If you give yourself four hours to do it, probably take four hours. So I, I
believe in the corollary of that too, which is that work contracts to the time that you give yourself to do
it. Before in the past, like I remember when I was working at one job. I always thought that okay, in order
to do like a concept, round of design, that takes a week.

[00:48:17] And then I remember starting, and this is when I worked at happy cog. We
took a week to do design rounds and use them to adjust a design concept. And then when I w when I left happy
cog and worked at big spaceship, the first day that I started at big spaceship, they were like, Hey, Dan
you’re working on this project now.

[00:48:31]They onboarded me and we want you to do a concept. I’m like, okay,
cool. Like how long do I have to do this? And they were like, Oh, let’s do it at the end of the day. And
I was like, Okay. I was used to having a week, but I didn’t want to be the new guy who was like

[00:48:43] I want more time. So it’s yeah, of course, I can do it. And you know
what I got to do by the end of the day. So it just taught me that work doesn’t have a defined time, like
you define the time you time box it. And so I’ve gotten really good at that because I’ve been able
to practice that a lot.

[00:48:56]So now I know, if I have an hour to get a Compton like I can do it in an
hour. If I have, three weeks to get a comp done, I can do it in three weeks. And so I’ve been able to
compress my work into the time that I have, because that’s the time that I have, having kids, certainly
accelerated that as well, where I’m like, ah, I just don’t have the time that I had.

[00:49:13] So I, my work has to now fit in a smaller box. And every time that happens
to me, I’m like it fit in the smaller box. So with COVID, I stopped working, I would, I usually worked
about like 30 to 35 hours a week because of COVID because my kids were home and then figuring out like, who
like, is my wife doing homework with them?

[00:49:30] Am I doing homework with them? Is she going to sit with them during the
day? Am I going to sit with them during the day? All of that stuff, what I started to do was like, okay,
I’m just not going to work in the afternoon. Cause like I can’t. So I would work in the morning and
then I would stop in the afternoon with my wife.

[00:49:43] My wife could work in the afternoon. And so I, my schedule became around
like 20 hours a week and you know what, I got the same amount done. So it’s the as, as much as I keep
contracting my work, it still gets done. Maybe not to the quality that I want it to, but that’s always
been the case when I had a week to do it.

[00:49:59] It was still not at the quality that I wanted it to be. When I had three
weeks to do it. It was still not at the quality that I wanted it to be. So it’s like. I learned to be
freer about that stuff and to go I’m not too worried about the quality of the work. Let’s let that
be a later thing.

[00:50:11] I can always iterate my way there let’s, there’s a time that I
have. And so I’ll try to use that wisely.

[00:50:16] Frederick Weiss: [00:50:16]
That’s excellent advice. Dan, we’re getting right at the end of the show, and as I asked you before
we started, if you could play us out a little bit, but first I want to get to obviously we’ll put a link
in the show notes to all the places where people could find you, which is

[00:50:30]There is your Twitter account, which goes by your name, Dan mall. I see a
pattern here. Use and friendly design. systems. All really cool names, which I like a lot. But
I’d love to ask you at the end here if you could provide any final words of wisdom for our audience. So
to you.

[00:50:54] Dan Mall: [00:50:54] Oh man.
That’s the toughest question you’ve asked so far? Be kind, I think, to yourselves, to other people
the people that you work with, the people that you interact with. I think that we are all guilty at some
level of working too hard. And at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter that much, a lot of the stuff
that we do, I think that we are lucky, generally as web designers and developers and all that to do this,
the things that we do I often have to remind myself that I’m not saving lives in ways that other people
do, and so when I get stressed out like it’s a good way to remain relative, to go what I do is a good
choice and a good privilege for me. And what I try to do with that is being kind to myself, give myself
breaks, be kind to the team that I have been kind to my family, to all the people that I interact

[00:51:34] And I would like it if other people were kind to me too. If anybody
interacts with me, please be kind to me as well. I

[00:51:41] Frederick Weiss: [00:51:41] liked
that. I think I actually one of the things I saw in your house, not that I’m looking into windows, but
one of them, one of the photos I saw was like a be nice and let people be nice to you.

[00:51:50] one of the golden rule things, right?

[00:51:53] Dan Mall: [00:51:53] Maybe I dunno if
that was me. It might’ve been somebody else.

[00:51:56]Frederick Weiss: [00:51:56] No.
It’s you, it’s definitely you it’s in one of your photos, I’ll put a link to it. Cause
it’s definitely you. The last thing before we end the show, I just wanted to get in Todd, Libby’s
come in here.

[00:52:05] He wanted to ask you how was the Whoopie pie that came with the lobster
roll care package.

[00:52:10] Dan Mall: [00:52:10] It was very
good. I’m not a Whoopie pie fan. Todd was kind enough to send me lobster rolls in the mail because I
told him I’d never had any before. So he sent me a really great care package with some will-be pies and
some delicious chips and lobster rolls.

[00:52:25] It was all delicious. Thank you. Thank you, Todd, for all that.

[00:52:28] Frederick Weiss: [00:52:28]
That’s awesome. And if you don’t mind Dan, again we’re at the show. Do you want to play us out a
little bit, a little something on the piano? I know you’ve played the piano since you were three years
old from my understanding, right?

[00:52:39]Dan Mall: [00:52:39] Yeah. That’s
right. Yep. I got a panel here. I don’t know how the audio is going to pick up, but we’ll try.
I’ll give it a

[00:52:42] Frederick Weiss: [00:52:42] shot.
Let’s try it out. Yeah, there we go. Dan mall everybody.

[00:53:42] nice. That was really cool, man. Thanks for sharing that with us. I
remember when we talked back at event depart, you were telling us how you play the piano since you were
three and you enjoyed it and your parents didn’t really force you into learning it, but you just kinda
picked it up and you really enjoyed it.

[00:54:00] Dan Mall: [00:54:00] Yeah, that’s
right. And to this day, I’ve got a piano in my office. Whenever I want to take a little break, I try to
play a little bit.

[00:54:07] Frederick Weiss: [00:54:07] Yeah.
It’s nice to have that separation to just step away from your screen for a minute and just be a part of
the world.

[00:54:12] Dan Mall: [00:54:12] Absolutely. It
does a weird thing.

[00:54:14] When I switched between the piano keyboard and the keyboard on my desk.
It’s like my brain doesn’t catch up fast enough. It’s very trippy.

[00:54:22] Frederick Weiss: [00:54:22]
There’s no control Z on the piano. It’s weird. No, none. Dan, thank you so much for sharing your
time with us. Time is the most important thing that we could share and really appreciate it really

[00:54:33] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much.

[00:54:35] Dan Mall: [00:54:35] It’s my
pleasure. Thank you for having me on the show. Our,

[00:54:37] Frederick Weiss: [00:54:37] our
pleasure, honestly some applause from Todd. He very much liked your like you’re playing well. Thanks,
everybody for watching. Really appreciate it. And we’ll see you next time again. Thanks, Dan.

[00:54:50] Dan Mall: [00:54:50] Bye all.

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