What happens when you get Beyond The Wind Door coresspondant Alejandra to read all 14 New Century books in a year? She does it her way! In the order she decides! (Full Spoiler potential!)

To start:

1. Stonespring Maidens: Lesbians, You Say?
2. Let Them Go: Short and Spooky!
3. Tiger's Eye: Fine, Tell Me About Cats.... Oooh.
4. Arlington: Not A West Wing Fan
5. Secret Rooms: Lets Go To Apocalypse School!
6. Princess Thieves: Not Ready for Steamheart, Time for Fun!
7. Christmas Thieves: Merlaine and the Nag's Excellent Christmas!
8. Steamheart: Train Buddies! Also, Harry Learns About Racism
9. Cartographer's Handbook: The Historical Documents!

The New Century Multiverse Website:


Fireside Alliance: https://firesidealliance.squarespace.com/


Intro is "All Star" by Beat Mechanik

Outro is "Posin" by Peggy Suave