Well, here's another first. Dr. Skeels-Jungius and I are covering a videogame! But it's a video game we feel strongly about, both in the original experience, as part of a series of games, but also as lovers of Spider-Man and his extended mythology. (Because the name is confusing, we also refer to this game officially as Spider-Men: Proving Grounds)

This is a spoiler free episode, and today we discuss:

Our own pasts with Spider-Man media
Our experience and love of the first two Insomniac games
Our feelings on gameplay, traversal, and certain side activities
And all over spoiler free conclusions!

TL;DL We liked the game a lot. But the Mephisto is in the details! Come join us.


The Fireside Alliance Podcast Network: 



Intro is "Light Me Up" by Audiorezout of Free Music Archive

Outro is "It's My Time" by LeCrae