Today we are talking about: Content Marketing. 

First, what is that? 

My favorite definition is by the content marketing institute: Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.

So to reiterate that: it’s a strategic approach of creating valuable content to attract your ideal customer or client. 

One of the reasons I personally love content marketing is because I work with small businesses with an online presence. That means they don't necessarily have $10k to spend on marketing per month -- or at least not yet. And content marketing is a place where small fish can outperform big fish with a good strategy. 

What are ways you can use content marketing in your own business: 

Start a podcast that welcomes in your specific audience and give them what they are looking for. This is a really effective platform. Blogging. I know people are conflicted on if people are still reading blogs. The answer is yes. Google also prefers long-form to short form content, and of course, SEO. I don’t write my own blogs anymore so there is always the option of outsourcing, but thats for another episode. Videos. Yes, videos are a fan favorite and they are good across platforms so posting on youtube and Instagram or FB for example. Infographics. This is so simple and people want it. Whatever you have to share, put it in an infographic and post it. It is such a great way of giving information that people want quickly. Books. Write a book or an e-book. This is a powerful marketing tool to position yourself as a leader, potentially make money off your content, and market yourself. 

Here is the thing: content marketing needs a strategy. So pick your platforms -- don’t pick all of them, pick the places where you want to show up and where your ideal client hangs out, and create content there. 

This is all about creating content that your customer actually wants, right? And by default, they will let you into their world. They find you valuable… so, pulling them into your email list or asking them to follow you on instagram becomes easier. And that is really the whole point. Break down the wall, and serve. Get rid of buyer’s skepticism -- we are constantly being sold to so isnt it nice to just feel seen? 

Some stats for you: content marketing has lead generation 3x greater than traditional marketing. 

52% of buyers said they were definitely more likely to buy from a vendor after reading their content -- let’s talk about how that happens:. They were searching for how to make a logo and you have a tutorial on how to use Canva to make logos, and they find themselves on your website. They love your style. They sign up for your newsletter and 3 months later they are rebranding their whole website using your services. 

It is really important to understand that posting one video or one blog is not content marketing. Showing up consistently is content marketing. 

So, the first thing is: where can I show up consistently? And if you hate podcasting, do not pick that. Pick a platform that feels GOOD to you, to your brand, to your personality. If you are listening to this podcast it is because


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