Buckminster Fuller said “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something build a model that makes the existing model obsolete”

The world right now is at extremes… we have states in tight lockdown and some places walking around freely. There is fear and there is anger about the way things are. People are split on what to do. Some are angry at the man, some just suffer in silence… and some feel positive about the way things are handled. 

The Buckminster fuller quote aligns with me so much, and I feel if we want to find some kind of way to move forward in a world that cares for the planet, cares for the people and has fair share that we could align ourselves with the principles of Permaculture, as one system that I think could bring a bit more harmony in the world.

I go through the principles in this episode and contemplate the ideas that come up… join me and feel free to share what thoughts come up for you on my website or in any of my social media platforms… 

To come join the conversation and share your thought, click here: https://thrivingwithnature.com/?p=1407

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