Imagine slowly waking to the sounds of tropical birds whistling and chattering away to each other. You step outside onto the balcony and sit in the daybed and watch as the mist rises and the green jungle glistens in the sun. The serenity is palpable and you can feel your whole body calm and feel nourished directly from Mother Nature herself.

You then head up for a breakfast made straight from the permaculture gardens. The dance on your taste buds awakens your cells as it can tell the nutrients are pure and delicious. You feel nourished. You decide whether to take a swim in the divine fresh natural pool just below your view or go for a walk through the natural rainforest. 

Instead, you decide to take the short walk down to the waterfall pools and swim directly in Mother Nature’s womb.

This Podcast is about learning how to Thrive with Nature and the Bali Eco Lodge is a living breathing example of how you can truly thrive when aligned with the ways of Nature as well as integrated with the local community. The attention to detail on the modern comforts blend seamlessly into feeling you are at one with Nature.

Join me as we journey with Norm, one of the owners of Bali Eco Lodge, as he shares how he created this paradise for his family and now he shares with the world.

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