It’s no lie that alcohol and weight loss goals generally don’t mix, and if we’re being honest, there really are many reasons to reduce or even give up alcohol from our diets and social habits.


On the other hand, having a glass of wine, or whatever your drink of choice may be, is also a cherished pastime, a conduit for connecting with friends and is infused into most of our social gatherings.


But, word on the street is that alcohol messes with your metabolism - big time! Because alcohol cannot be stored, it becomes a priority for your metabolism.


In other words, it moves to the front of the metabolic line when it’s consumed, even if you’ve consumed food (that contain nutrients like fats, proteins and other carbs) along with it. In turn, that slows the breakdown of fats (lipolysis), and the digestion of any other nutrients. ACK!!


But is this the only reason why alcohol gets in the way of our health goals - and do we really have to give it up entirely if we are trying to lose weight? (Please say no, please say no…)






Get on the Hansen Method waitlist. Click here. We open up the Hansen Method 2-3x a year so that we can fully support our clients to the highest degree possible.


Thinking about using nutrition and holistic health for restoring thyroid function? Learn EVERYTHING you need to know by joining our Free Facebook Group. Thriving Thyroid Balance Community.


Are you interested in learning more about your thyroid and finding answers? 


We got you! 


We have several different opportunities to work with us at several different price points and opportunities. 


Our signature 6-month program is called The Hansen Method, we offer this in a VIP setting with personalized plans and protocols, individual one on one coaching and incredible bonuses that change regularly. You can schedule a complimentary thyroid breakthrough call with one of our thyroid advisors. Click here.  If you have questions about the Hansen Method and want to discuss your specific situation and make sure this is the right program for you you can schedule a complimentary thyroid breakthrough call with one of our team members. schedule here. Hurry, my schedule fills up quickly and we only work with limited amount of women at any given time.


 Join hundreds of women who have improved their symptoms by 80% and lose on average 30lbs in the 4 months.  


Not ready to schedule a call, no problem. Learn more about the Hansen Method to see if it’s a good fit for you. Click here to learn more. 


We also offer The Hansen Method as a Self Guided option. 


Option number 1 for self guide is where you are totally on your own to go through the program content, make the changes and execute them on your own. Click here to purchase. 


Option number 2 includes group coaching and access to our members facebook group that will allow you access to our Thyroid Success Coaches and testing with personalized protocols. Click here to purchase.   


But one of our favorite ways to work with us is our Thriving Thyroid Coaching Membership Opportunity.  This is where many of clients first begin working with us. It allows you to get to know us, our system and start making changes before making a larger financial investment. Click here to learn more




Facebook Community





Freedom From Fatigue Guide 
Download our Thyroid Panel Guide.
Best Foods for Thyroid
Thriving Hair Guide
Dining Out Guide
Thyroid Blocker List



Thyroid Recipe Book
10-day detox



Branch Basics
Doterra Essential Oils
Beauty Counter
Wellevate Supplements



Shannon Hansen


P.S. Make sure to schedule our Thyroid Breakthrough call with one of our thyroid advisors.