Meet Kayla, a 25-year-old treasure trove of wisdom who is currently thriving in the thick of losing her mom to cancer and having her calling as a missionary put on hold due to a global pandemic. Kayla shares her heart including the dark places where God showed her how to seek out beauty and pools of cool water. She also has a passion to share with you that Jesus is a real man, on a real throne, waiting to have a real relationship with you!


Are you thriving in the thick of something right now? Are you actively choosing to learn, grow, and prosper in the face of challenge and/or tragedy? If so, let's may be a perfect fit to be interviewed for the show! Message me on social media (see links below) or Email me at [email protected].


Get YOUR copy of Dr. Sherri's new book, Breakup Breakthroughs, right here on Amazon! It's for every woman who has EVER believed the lie that she's not worth fighting for! Get the paperback version, the Kindle version, AND the "It'll Take Work" Book with BONUS mini-book at the end, When People Say Things That Hurt! 


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Connect with Derek Kretzer, creator of the music for Thriving Thoughts!  Follow him on Instagram at or on Facebook at