We are working through the four pillars of our podcast: joy, laughter, freedom and friendship. Today’s guests are the friends of Megan and Becky and they all share how God has used their friendships and laughter to thrive in the trenches of daily life.  From singleness to sheer loneliness in the middle of family chaos, these 4 ladies talk about the Ultimate Friendship and fulfillment that is in Christ alone.

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Sam Kelley is the Founder and current President of FIERCE Athlete Inc. Sam was a Division 1 soccer player and came back to her Catholic faith in college. She has since committed her life to spreading the faith, especially to female athletes. She is currently pursuing a Masters in Catholic Psychology as well as Certification in teaching Theology of the Body.  She loves continuing to be active and through Megan’s inspiration is currently involved in rowing. Sam and Megan met over professional circumstances but have since become dear friends as well as work out, and prayer partners. Oh and they don’t mind putting a beer on the line in a friendly workout competition.  You can find Sam on FB, IG, twitter, and at FierceAthlete.org




Marie Darrin is a thirty-something Catholic wife and mother.  She is a wife to a painfully handsome man, who puts up with her crazy, and loves her endlessly. She is mama to one tiny hot mess of a daughter and one miracle baby boy and they sanctify her daily. Marie struggles with infertility, and successfully conceived her son using the NaPro Technology method.  After suffering emotionally, physically and spiritually through I.V.F.  and surviving the devastating loss of twin girls, she found a better way.  A way that respects the sanctity of life.  Marie is a professional photographer, owns  Firefly Photography and loves what she does.  She loves her Catholic faith, Jesus, and thinks the Virgin Mary is pretty boss. Becky and Marie met when Marie helped Becky deliver her first baby.   You can find Marie on FB, IG, and her blog.

      Show Notes:

5 A pleasant voice multiplies friends,
    and a gracious tongue multiplies courtesies.
6 Let those that are at peace with you be many,
    but let your advisers be one in a thousand.
7 When you gain a friend, gain him through testing,
    and do not trust him hastily.
8 For there is a friend who is such at his own convenience,
    but will not stand by you in your day of trouble.  –Sirach 6:5-8 (but read the whole chapter it is great!)

Call to Action –

If you find yourself in a season of loneliness and yearning for close friends, we encourage you to either start praying or to continue in steadfast prayer. Ultimately we are all to seek the ultimate source of companionship and happiness, our Lord Jesus Christ.  

Recognize and give thanks for the God-given friendships in your life. Then, take time to gather with your friends, even if you have to Skype or face time.  Pour a cup of coffee, tea, or a glass of wine and then relax and share your heart, your love, and your laughter.

Scripture – 

14 “A faithful friend is a sturdy shelter:
    he that has found one has found a treasure.
15 There is nothing so precious as a faithful friend,
    and no scales can measure his excellence.
16 A faithful friend is an elixir of life;
    and those who fear the Lord will find him.”  Sirach 6:14-16

Saint Quote – 

“Friendship is the source of the greatest pleasures, and without friends even the most agreeable pursuits become tedious”  –St. Thomas Aquinas

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