June believes that she was born 'out of the fog'. She cried incessantly for her first 2 years. That preverbal trauma of relinquishment is sub-conscious for so many of us. Until it isn't. We come out of the fog to see the dense back clouds of trauma. Tears fall as the clouds burst and rain pours down. So what stops our tears? What if one of those things is taking adoption less personally? Listen in as June shares a lifetime of healing.

Here's a link to the research June mentions https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/149233054.pdf

Here's more about June from her website:

I am June, or rather, I was her for 10 days before I was adopted, and my name was changed forever. 

I chose to write my book - SECOND CHOICES - as June because she comes from a family of writers and poets and lovers of words. June is the part of me dictated by DNA. Irrevocable and undeniably a slice of who I am.

As an adoptee, the adoption issue was always close to my heart, and seeing and hearing the effect of it on the adoption community made me jump into action. My debut novel, Second Choices, was born.

Born in South Africa and now living in Scotland, I have been writing since I can remember.  At first, it was poems and articles for the school newspaper and newsletters.

I joined a writing group about fifteen years ago, thinking it was all about poetry, but it turned out it was a group for short story writers. For the first time, I realized how much I loved building characters and stories around them.

After a stint working for a local newspaper, the idea of writing a book started to become more plausible. 

On a personal note, I am a wife, a mother, a stepmom, and a grandmother.  I love nature and wildlife, photography, and connecting with people. 

More at https://junewrightauthor.com/



Guests and the host are not (unless mentioned) licensed pscyho-therapists and speak from their own opinion only. Seek qualified advice if you need help.