We didn't choose to be adopted. We had no power over what happened to us. So how do we take the power back? What can do to    develop our identity on our terms? Powerful stuff from Diego.

Here's a bit about Diego from his website:

Hi, my name is Diego; I am an adoptee from Colombia, S.A. (5ish years old) who is a relationship and family therapist in the state of Washington. I am an adoptee-focused therapist, centering on adoptee voices and their adoptee identity development through their lived experiences; pre and post-adoption. I am also passionate about relationships regardless of their structure (hetero, consensual non-monogamy - CNM, polyamory, and LGBTQIA+); I believe all individuals in a relationship deserve to be heard and witnessed, opening avenues for a broader understanding of others and ultimately, deeper connections.

As a systemically trained relationship therapist, I am also intrigued by how relationships function and how they can be bettered through a greater understanding of the larger and smaller contexts connected to those in a relationship(s). I lean heavily on racial and feminist theory in working with relationships; owning white and male privilege is vital to the better understanding of those who hold less power; it creates pathways to empathy & connection.

It is a privilege to sit alongside those willing to be vulnerable in the name of personal growth. I offer virtual sessions for clients in Washington State; I look forward to the opportunity to work with you if you feel we would be a good fit and begin the journey to an improved sense of self.

Find out more at:





Guests and the host are not (unless mentioned) licensed pscyho-therapists and speak from their own opinion only. Seek qualified advice if you need help.