Are you truly a pro?

Your immediate answer might be “yes,” but let’s explore a little more deeply. At what point in your career did you become a pro? I’m careful with that word, because the way I see it, none of us has truly arrived yet. There’s always something to learn, no matter how successful we are and how many wins we have. Instead of saying I’m a pro, I like to say I’m a pro at learning! After all, constantly learning is a requirement of being a pro.

I asked this question of my audience, and they had some fantastic answers. David Hancock, for example, said, “I am always a student in a never-ending quest” and offered the example of a seagull searching for food in endless circles, even after it has already eaten. Edwin says, “When you stop learning is when you start dying, so keep learning.” Tune into the episode for many more incredible answers and insights.

If all of this inspires you to keep learning (and it should!), here’s a powerful piece of advice for you: surround yourself with people who you admire and who will challenge you to grow and thrive. When you change the people who you surround yourself with, you’ll rise to their level.

Listen in today to hear more about how you can grow into the person you have the potential to be, why we all have room for growth, the moving perspective that the incredible Bishop Charles Blake provides, why it’s so important to be selective about what you choose to learn, and much more. I look forward to continuing to walk along this path with you as you become the person you’re destined to be!


In This Episode:

[01:11] - Jevonnah introduces the topic of today’s episode and explains why she’s careful with the word “pro.”

[03:18] - We hear some of the responses that Jevonnah got to her question “are you a pro?”.

[05:59] - Even as we continue to reach new levels of success, none of us ever fully arrives. There’s always something else to learn. Jevonnah offers the example of getting open-heart surgery to illustrate this point.

[06:47] - Jevonnah advises listeners to get a coach if they don’t have one already, and talks about the importance of spending time with the right people.

[08:22] - Jevonnah shares more answers that people have shared to her question about learning and being a pro. She also addresses the importance of taking action.

[10:40] - We hear more powerful and inspirational responses from Jevonnah’s audience.

[12:27] - Jevonnah gives a shout-out to her bishop, Bishop Charles Blake of West Angeles Church.

[14:25] - We hear a saddening statistic that Jevonnah heard recently about how few people read books after they graduate high school.

[16:08] - Jevonnah talks about being selective about what you choose to learn.

[17:27] - We move onto a few final comments in response to Jevonnah’s question.

[18:34] - Something Jevonnah does is to schedule what she calls a “journal sabbath” on her calendar every Sunday after church.

[20:33] - Thanks for tuning into today’s show, and please don’t forget to subscribe to hear a new episode every week!


Links and Resources:

Jevonnah Ellison Jevonnah Ellison on LinkedIn @JevonnahEllison on Twitter Jevonnah Ellison on Facebook Jevonnah Ellison’s Thrive! group on Facebook David Hancock Morgan James Publishing Performance Driven Thinking by David Hancock and Bobby Kipper Leading Ladies Mastermind John Maxwell Bishop Charles Blake West Angeles Church


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