Now, today's podcast is super special and near and dear to my heart because about maybe two-and-a-half months ago, I sat down, had some quiet time, and just really began to write down some of my top lessons learned from my business journey.

In fact, it was on my birthday not too long ago. I began to write as I celebrated my birthday, I looked back on all the ways that God has protected, kept, comforted, and led me in the way that I should go.

I know that's so true for many of you listening.

For any level of success that we've been blessed to achieve, He enabled it. We can plant the seed, but it's up to Him to send the rain.

For my health, life, and strength, He gave it, and for my being, He made it.

I had to stop and pause and give Him glory for another year of life. He didn't have to do it, but I'm so glad He did.

With that being said, I just began to really think about some of my top lessons learned, and I'm going to share those with you today.

My hope, my prayer is you'd be able to take these, implement them in your own life, and really use them to your advantage. 


Leading Ladies Mastermind. A Business Accelerator. An Intimate Mastermind for Leading Ladies and Coaches

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