We all find ourselves making excuses at some point. That’s why today’s episode is all about how to arrest your excuses and dismantle them until they no longer have power over you. Credit for this phrasing goes to Anna from Greece, who asked about how to do this a while back and inspired this episode! I love the word “arresting” in this context, because it so perfectly fits what you need to do with your excuses.

I’ll give you seven ways to eliminate your excuses. Once you tune into the episode, you’ll hear all about each one in powerful detail, but here’s a list as a preview or a reminder:

Read between the lines. Think about what you’re thinking about, and get to the core of why you’re giving yourself an excuse. Stop ending your statements with a “but.” Avoid other excusers! Take inventory of the company you keep and assess whether you’re spending time around others who make excuses. Built excuse-free habits. Use your excuses as signals that you’re onto something great, and you should keep going! Trust the process, and realize that it takes time. Spend time in your war room.

I hope that these tips help you as much as they’ve helped me. Stay focused, stay faithful, and don’t forget to tune in next week, when I’ll talk all about some things that you need to know as a coach.


In This Episode:

[00:45] - Jevonnah welcomes listeners to the show! If you haven’t already registered for it, don’t forget to check out Jevonnah’s Thrive Summit.

[02:16] - Before we get into the content, here’s a shoutout to Anna from Greece who asked the question in today’s title.

[03:27] - Jevonnah has seven ways to eliminate excuses that she’ll share today. The first is to read between the lines.

[05:33] - The third tip is to stop ending your statements with a “but,” Jevonnah explains.

[06:06] - We learn about the third tip for eliminating and arresting your excuses.

[06:46] - Jevonnah explores her fourth tip, which is building excuse-free habits.

[07:30] - Next, use your excuses as signals. Jevonnah explains what this means, and how to do it.

[07:52] - Jevonnah’s six tip on this subject is very simple: trust the process.

[08:56] - We hear a quick recap of all of the tips that Jevonnah has covered throughout this episode, as well as her seventh and final tip.

[10:38] - Jevonnah hopes that all of this was helpful!


Links and Resources:

Jevonnah Ellison on Facebook

Jevonnah Ellison on Instagram

The Coaching Course

Thrive Mastermind

Jevonnah Ellison’s Thrive Summit 2019

Finish by Jon Acuff