Let’s talk about the importance of staying genuine in your business. Lots of entrepreneurs online are always pushing products and sales, and sometimes forget to lead with their hearts. People can sense it when you’re fake or insincere, so always lead from a place of generosity and genuine love.

You might have heard that people buy things from people who they know, like, and trust. I want to change this a little bit: people buy things from people who they know, love, and trust! This is why it’s so important to build a loyal audience and following who know that you love them and will take care of them.

A rising tide lifts all boats. When someone who you’ve helped succeeds, you succeed too! Having a scarcity mindset is counterproductive, so cultivate an abundance mindset and make sure that you’re coming from a place of genuine love. You won’t connect with everyone, but you will connect with the right people. At the end of the day, your client should be the hero, while you’re the guide who points them in the right direction.


In This Episode:

[00:45] - Welcome to episode 38! Jevonnah recommends going back and listening to previous episodes if you haven’t already heard them.

[01:24] - Today’s episode is about the importance of staying genuine in your business.

[03:06] - Jevonnah digs into the meat of today’s episode, urging listeners to be genuine and real.

[04:23] - We hear about Jevonnah’s alteration on a popular quote.

[05:30] - Jevonnah talks about the difference between a scarcity mindset and an abundance mindset.

[07:16] - Dare to be different! Jevonnah talks about the importance of generosity in your business.

[08:29] - Jevonnah recommends standing out by coming from a place of love.

[09:48] - Thank you for tuning in! Jevonnah mentions that next week’s episode will be about arresting and dismantling your excuses.


Links and Resources:

Jevonnah Ellison on Facebook

Jevonnah Ellison on Instagram

The Coaching Course

Thrive Mastermind

Jevonnah Ellison’s Thrive Summit 2019

3 Types of People in Your Life video from T.D. Jakes 

Building a StoryBrand with Donald Miller (podcast)