Peloton Community, Connection and Commitment With Crystal O'Keefe

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Crystal O'Keefe is the creator and co-host of the award-winning Peloton fan podcast The Clip Out. Crystal's obsession with Peloton started in her forties as a corporate America employee never running more than a mile in her life to becoming an active athlete, personal trainer, and nutrition coach. As an early adopter of Peloton in 2016, the podcast has documented the evolution of Peloton; from plucky start-up to household name to cultural phenomenon. She's also interviewed hundreds of fellow Peloton members as well as Peloton executives and instructors.

The first mile she ever ran was at 41 years old, she didn’t know how to swim, and she had plenty of bad health habits. Now a certified personal trainer, nutrition coach and competitive athlete living her best fitness life and inspiring others to make the same changes, she owes it all to the cultural phenomenon of Peloton.

Before finding Peloton, Crystal O’Keefe was a corporate America employee, stuck in the mundane and inactive lifestyle of sitting at a desk and sitting on the couch. Once she found Peloton, her passion for the science behind health and exercise was ignited.

As an early adopter of Peloton in 2016, Crystal knows the community inside out, from the instructors, to the classes, to the science of each workout. As her passion for fitness and Peloton grew, so did her desire to spread her love and knowledge of fitness through podcasting. Her show, The Clip Out, has documented the evolution of Peloton; from plucky start-up, to household name, to viral sensation. She's also interviewed hundreds of fellow Peloton members, as well as Peloton executives and instructors to get the inside scoop on all things Peloton.

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❤️ ~ Jay

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