Autism + Diet

Looking to see how functional nutrition can play into ASD? We sit down with dietitian Brittyn to talk more about this….

Triggers Root causes Lab testing How gut health is tied into autism How avoiding food sensitivities can reduce inflammation What nutrient deficiencies are common + what we can do about it Sensory issues

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About Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD

Brittyn Coleman, MS, RDN/LD is a dietitian specializing in autism spectrum disorders and is also a sibling of an individual on the autism spectrum. Through her life and her studies, she realized how much overlap there is between nutrition and autism. During graduate school at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, she specialized in autism spectrum disorders and led her thesis research in food aversions and nutrient intake in children with ASD.

There are very few dietitians specializing in ASD across the country, which makes accessibility extremely low. Because of this, she offers video and phone consults to parents and individuals all over the nation to increase the reach of nutrition therapy and nutrition education for families and individuals affected by ASD. She is extremely knowledgeable about autism in relations to diet, biomedical interventions, food selectivity, food sensitivities, gastrointestinal disorders, and even nutrigenetics.

Connect with Brittyn on her websiteFacebook, and Instagram.

Connect with Lahana on her websiteFacebookInstagram, and YouTube!