We’re sitting down with Austin Thermography owner, Gabi Shannan, to talk about this mammogram alternative – breast thermogrpahy! Have you heard of this?

Breast Thermography What is thermography? What can it do for a breast cancer screening? Who can do it? Who can’t do it? What does it show? Cost Is it safe? So much more! About Gabi Shannan

Gabi holds a BA in Architecture, but discovered her passion for whole-person wellness after meeting her chiropractor/nutritionist husband in 2003. When her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, and a dear friend died at age 42 as a result of breast cancer, Gabi began to research breast cancer screening methods and was led to thermography. Upon learning about its numerous benefits, but finding the availability of thermographic screening facilities in the Austin area were limited to a few traveling technicians from other cities, she determined to establish a full-time local facility so men and women of the Austin area could more easily access medical thermographic imaging. Gabi is a Certified Thermographic Technician, as well as the owner of Austin Thermography.

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