Hi...Welcome to the Three Old Squids Podcast….pull up a chair, grab a cold one. This time the guys weigh in on Roseanne’s tweet and the apropos blowback, Ivanka’s nerve of posting a picture of her and her baby while there are liberals who might be offended and the non-event of Samantha Bee calling her a “Feckless Cunt”. Mike’s anger-management really pays off, as he vows to stop screaming for no reason. They handle cockroach milk, Kopi luwak Coffee and abortion cannibalism with class and decorum.
They’d also like to take a moment to apologize to Jimmy Kimmel, Nancy Pelsoi, Maxine Waters and anyone else they may have offended over the preceding episodes.

I’m just playing...this one is disturbing...Mike continues to scream for no reason and Kimmy, Weezy and the Cryptkeeper and continue to suck bags of dicks….Enjoy the show!!!

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