Welcome to episode 8 of our little podcast which is all about woodwork, making things and having lots of fun

In this episode

Andy has turned into He Man using his super strength moving his bandsaw and he’s gone all French on us French cleat that is

Steve’s Well Steve’s has been busy splashing the cash on a new shed and tools but he doesn’t give a crap!!!!

Pierre talks about how he got into leather with his wife !!! you Swedes your so cheeky and he needs advice regarding his thumbnail

Plus lots more nonsense

Our Obsessions this Week

Steve is obsessed with a young maker Drew Hanfland who is only 15 and is on YouTube as Drew Hanfland and on Instagram as @drew_hanfland

Andy is going all Zen with Japanese woodworkers and is loving Kobeomsuk furniture on YouTube but Andy is not going to sit crosslegged on his workbench because the ceiling is too low!!

Pierre is all about improving his YouTube channel and has been obsessed with his thumbnails and all things YouTube he’s been inspired by a YouTube channel Film Booth

The Three Northern Makers are

Andy @potato_woodworks on instagram and Potato Woodworks on YouTube Andy who is Swiss now lives near Stockholm in Sweden

Steve @stevebellcreates on instagram Steve lives in North Yorkshire in the UK

Pierre @theswedishmaker on Instagram and The Swedish Maker on YouTube Pierre lives near Gothenburg in Sweden

Plus we now have our own instagram account @threeNorthernMakers so check us out

We also have our own woodworking/ makers community on Discord.com

We will be releasing a new episode every Sunday morning so please subscribe like and leave a review to hear our humble ramblings about making things and all that life throws at us

If you have any questions or comments

please email the show at [email protected]