Welcome to episode 7 of our little podcast which is all about woodwork, making things and having lots of fun

In this episode

Andy Is still busy with the resign of his workshop and he’s still got plenty of room for more new tools

Steve’s Well Steve’s has an emotional week spending time at his sons wedding and now he’s tired after partying hard

Pierre is back to his old self but sadly the sexy voice has gone and he’s getting excited about his new X Carve

Plus lots more nonsense

Our Obsessions this Week

Steve well he’s been thinking about life, love and happiness

Andy is obsessed with you guessed it a new tool the Tormek sharpening system

Pierre has been watching Welcome to the Workshop on YouTube Chris Salamone’s new channel

The Three Northern Makers are

Andy @potato_woodworks on instagram and Potato Woodworks on YouTube Andy who is Swiss now lives near Stockholm in Sweden

Steve @stevebellcreates on instagram Steve lives in North Yorkshire in the UK

Pierre @theswedishmaker on Instagram and The Swedish Maker on YouTube Pierre lives near Gothenburg in Sweden

Plus we now have our own instagram account @threeNorthernMakers so check us out

We will be releasing a new episode every Sunday morning so please subscribe like and leave a review to hear our humble ramblings about making things and all that life throws at us

If you have any questions or comments

please email the show at [email protected]