In this weeks two developer podcast, we start off discussion with Edd’s recent holiday to America - including experiences driving, Carousel and Instagram.
We then move on to chat about ‘Space Beer Cave’, Fraser’s recently released game for the Android platform.
Built using Phaser and CocoonJS we touch upon how the game was initially built in a single day, along with the process of getting it uploaded to the Google Play store.
Finally, we talk about how Fraser is able to balance freelance and full-time employment, along with handy material that Troy Hunt has released in regard to web security.

With the release of Space Beer Cave, the podcast’s first competition has been devised.
Simply download the game from the Google Play store (sorry iOS users at this time), play and then tweet/email a screen-grab of your highest score.
The competition ends on the 12th June 2015 18:00:00 GMT with the winner receiving their very own Three Devs and a Maybe t-shirt!

In this weeks two developer podcast, we start off discussion with Edd’s recent holiday to America - including experiences driving, Carousel and Instagram.
We then move on to chat about ‘Space Beer Cave’, Fraser’s recently released game for the Android platform.
Built using Phaser and CocoonJS we touch upon how the game was initially built in a single day, along with the process of getting it uploaded to the Google Play store.
Finally, we talk about how Fraser is able to balance freelance and full-time employment, along with handy material that Troy Hunt has released in regard to web security.

With the release of Space Beer Cave, the podcast’s first competition has been devised.
Simply download the game from the Google Play store (sorry iOS users at this time), play and then tweet/email a screen-grab of your highest score.
The competition ends on the 12th June 2015 18:00:00 GMT with the winner receiving their very own Three Devs and a Maybe t-shirt!

Show Links

Space Beer Cave - Google Play
Windows 10 to be the last version of Windows
Pulse-width modulation
Zip drive
Amazon Fire TV Stick
Dropbox Pro
Troy Hunt
Troy Hunt on Twitter
Troy Hunt - Hack yourself first
Charles - Web Debugging Proxy
Fiddler - Web Debugging Proxy
WiFi Pineapple Kits - HakShop
Deck of Cards API

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