In this weeks episode we chat to Andy Raines about all things Serverless.
We start off by discussing what Serverless actually means, advantages of using such a model, design constraints it employs and how it scales.
From here we touch upon the history of how we got to the compute/infrastructure we use today: from on-premise servers, IaaS, PaaS and FaaS/BaaS.
This leads us on to highlight the 12-factor app methodology, how immutability has vast benefits in many contexts and how FaaS platforms work under-the-hood.
Finally, we mention the Serverless PHP project Andy is working on, the motivations behind it and future development he would like to see take place.

In this weeks episode we chat to Andy Raines about all things Serverless.
We start off by discussing what Serverless actually means, advantages of using such a model, design constraints it employs and how it scales.
From here we touch upon the history of how we got to the compute/infrastructure we use today: from on-premise servers, IaaS, PaaS and FaaS/BaaS.
This leads us on to highlight the 12-factor app methodology, how immutability has vast benefits in many contexts and how FaaS platforms work under-the-hood.
Finally, we mention the Serverless PHP project Andy is working on, the motivations behind it and future development he would like to see take place.

Show Links

Andy Raines on Twitter
Getting Started With Serverless PHP - SkillsCast
Getting started with PHP Serverless - A Cloud Guru
araines/serverless-php - PHP for AWS Lambda via Serverless Framework
AWS Lambda - Serverless Compute
IaaS vs CaaS vs PaaS vs FaaS - Choosing the Right Platform
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
Platform as a Service (PaaS)
Function as a Service (FaaS)
Backend as a Service (BaaS)
How AWS came to be - TechCrunch
Amazon EC2 Reserved Instances
The Twelve-Factor App
Serverless Architectures
Amazon API Gateway
Keeping Functions Warm - How To Fix AWS Lambda Cold Start Issues
Understanding AWS Lambda Performance
Serverless - The Serverless Application Framework
Facebooks Parse developer platform is shutting down today - TechCrunch
Apache OpenWhisk
Azure Functions

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