In this weeks episode we catch up with Joe Watkins discussing all things PHP.
We start off the discussion with how his role as release-manager is going for PHP 7.1, highlighting how Security bugs are defined and handled within internals.
Following this we chat about several RFC’s that are under-discussion (Retry Keyword, UUID) and accepted (Libsodium, Object Typehint) for the next release.
Finally, we mention a recent small extension Joe has been working on to provide user verified types within the language.

In this weeks episode we catch up with Joe Watkins discussing all things PHP.
We start off the discussion with how his role as release-manager is going for PHP 7.1, highlighting how Security bugs are defined and handled within internals.
Following this we chat about several RFC’s that are under-discussion (Retry Keyword, UUID) and accepted (Libsodium, Object Typehint) for the next release.
Finally, we mention a recent small extension Joe has been working on to provide user verified types within the language.

Show Links

PHP 7.1.7 Changelog
PHP Bugs
PHP 7.2.0-alpha3
PHP RFC - Retry Keyword
Why is goto discouraged?
PHP RFC - Namespaces in Core
PHP RFC - Class Naming
PHP RFC - Abolish Narrow Margins
Packagist - ramsey/uuid
PHP RFC - Libsodium
Using Libsodium in PHP Projects
PHP 7.2 - The First Programming Language to Add Modern Cryptography to its Standard Library
Libsodium Quick Reference
PHP RFC - Argon2 Password Hash
PHP RFC - Object Typehint
Covariance and contravariance
Liskov substitution principle
PHP RFC - Parameter Type Widening
PHP RFC - Unary null coalescing operator
krakjoe/utypes - User verified types
PHP RFC - Iterable