In this episode, we talk with financial services rock star & brain cancer survivor, MATTHEW NEWMAN, who is now a keynote speaker and best-selling author with his book, Starting at the Finish Line.


We Learn Some of the Most Basic Lessons of Life at the Deepest and Darkest of Times


Darkness Cannot Drive Out Darkness; Only Light Can Do That 

– Martin Luther King Jr. 


Website: MatthewSNewman.comBook: Starting at the Finish Line: My Cancer Partner, Perspective and PreparationEmail: [email protected]Facebook: @startingatthefinishlineMattNewmanInstagram: @StartingAtTheFinishLineLinkedin: Matthew NewmanTwitter: @FinsihLine_MattYouTube: TedX Talks


"Uprising" (Muse) - Youtube.comLipton Cup-o-Soup - LiptonKitchens.comManscaping - Manscaped.comFinancial Services Wholesaler - Investopedia.comNewman (Seinfeld) - Seinfeld.Fandom.comUniversity of Delaware - UDEL.eduMaya Angelou - MayaAngelou.com401k - Investopedia.comFinancial Will - Investopedia.comPower of Attorney - Investopedia.comMutual Fund - Investopedia.comAnnuity - Investopedia.comFinancial Planning - NerdWallet.comLegal Zoom - LegalZoom.comWhipple (Procedure) - MayoClinic.orgMRI - MayoClinic.orgMRE - MayoClinic.orgMRA - WebMD.comAmway - Amway.comSodium Bromite - WikipediaCommercial Collections - SmallBusiness.FindLaw.comiPad - Apple.comBrandon Hill - LinkedinRecorder - Wikipedia.comCraniotomy - HopkinsMedicine.orgVoltaire - Plato.Stanford.EduSpider-Man - Marvel.comMartin Luther King Jr. - NobelPrize.orgTEDX - Ted.comEEG - Healthline.comCapital Health Hopewell (NJ) - CapitalHealth.orgGrateful Dead - Dead.netJackwagon -"This Little Light of Mine" - Youtube.comAstrocytoma - MayoClinic.orgBroad Street Run - BroadStreetRun.comTough Mudder - ToughMudder.comThoughts That Rock – ThoughtsThatRock.comCertified Rock Star - CertifiedRockStar.comCulture That Rocks: How to Revolutionize Your Company’s Culture (Jim Knight) – CultureThatRocks.comBlack Sheep: Unleash the Extraordinary, Awe-Inspiring, Undiscovered You (Brant Menswar) - FindYourBlackSheep.comRock ‘n Roll With It: Overcoming the Challenge of Change (Brant Menswar) – RocknRollWithIt.comCannonball Kids’ cancer – CannonballKidscancer.orgBig Kettle Drum - BigKettleDrum.comSpectacle Photography (Show/Website Photos) – SpectaclePhoto.comJeffrey Todd “JT” Keel (Show Music) - JT Keel


Matthew S. Newman, a financial services wholesaler and father to three small children, was diagnosed with grade three astrocytoma (brain cancer) at 39 years old. 

Matthew’s memoir, Starting At The Finish Line, chronicles the journey that he and his entire family took together which got him to a place of clarity, understanding and appreciation. The book’s underlying message of why it’s important to get your financial planning in order is both inspirational and actionable. 

His dedication to being a top performer at everything he does has led him to become the top wholesaler numerous times in his career, while also fighting cancer, running the Broad Street Run, doing Tough Mudder, writing books, and traveling the world to speak.

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