In this episode, we talk with, NICHOLAS GREGORIADES, an entrepreneur, martial artist and transformation coach from Cape Town, South Africa.


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Website: LiberationMentor.comBook: The Black Belt Blueprint: An Intelligent Approach to Brazilian Jiu JitsuPodcast: LiberationMentorPodcast.comPodcast: London RealInstagram: @Liberation_MentorLinkdIn: Nicolas Gregoriades YouTube: JiuJitsuBrotherhood


The Secret - WikipediaJui Jitsu Brotherhood - JuiJitsuBrotherhood.comBowflex - Bowflex.comYoga - WikipediaAristotle - WikipediaSocrates - WikipediaPower of Habits (Book-Howard) - CharlesDuhigg.comRoger Gracie - RogerGracie.comAyuhuasca - WikipediaSarah Wells (Olympian) - SarahWells.caThe 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - FranklinCovey.comHard Rock International – HardRock.comThoughts That Rock – ThoughtsThatRock.comCertified Rock Star - CertifiedRockStar.comCulture That Rocks: How to Revolutionize Your Company’s Culture (Jim Knight) – CultureThatRocks.comBlack Sheep: Unleash the Extraordinary, Awe-Inspiring, Undiscovered You (Brant Menswar) - FindYourBlackSheep.comRock ‘n Roll With It: Overcoming the Challenge of Change (Brant Menswar) – RocknRollWithIt.comCannonball Kids’ cancer – CannonballKidscancer.orgKeppler Speakers - KepplerSpeakers.comBig Kettle Drum - BigKettleDrum.comSpectacle Photography (Show/Website Photos) – SpectaclePhoto.comJeffrey Todd “JT” Keel (Show Music) - JT Keel


Nic Gregoriades is an entrepreneur, martial artist and transformation coach from Cape Town, South Africa.

In 2003 he moved to London, England to earn his black belt in Jiu Jitsu, where he founded the popular martial arts community, The Jiu Jitsu Brotherhood. 

During that time he became the first person to be awarded the black belt by the legendary Roger Gracie and co-created the popular online show, London Real.

In 2012 he took a trip to the amazon to drink the plant medicine, Ayahuasca, which profoundly affected his world view and caused him to drastically change his life path. 

He spent the next 5 years traveling the the world teaching jiu jitsu, studying yoga and learning about the human experience.

Nic is also an accomplished entrepreneur, having built two successful online businesses.

He now helps men make profound life-changes and reach their full potential in all aspects of their lives.