While the business potential for the adoption of IoT and IoT enabled ‘smart devices’ may be clear, the role that your IT department and vendors play in ensuring IoT is not only a success, but does not cripple your business …

The post Episode 3: IoT & your IT department, Leadership, Cyber risk, architecture and more | Thought Leadership Podcast Series appeared first on Livingstone Advisory.

While the business potential for the adoption of IoT and IoT enabled ‘smart devices’ may be clear, the role that your IT department and vendors play in ensuring IoT is not only a success, but does not cripple your business through a cyber attack is less clear.

In this episode, Rob explores a range of topics that every business executive needs to come to grips to assure sustained success when it comes to the adoption or exploitation of the potential that the IoT offers.

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The post Episode 3: IoT & your IT department, Leadership, Cyber risk, architecture and more | Thought Leadership Podcast Series appeared first on Livingstone Advisory.