Reporting a data breach that carries a “real risk of serious harm” are now mandatory under the Australian Government’s recently enacted Privacy Amendment (Notifiable Data Breaches) Bill 2016.

All well and good, in theory at least. How practically this can …

The post Episode 2: Mandatory Data Breach Reporting Legislation | Thought Leadership Podcast Series appeared first on Livingstone Advisory.

Reporting a data breach that carries a “real risk of serious harm” are now mandatory under the Australian Government’s recently enacted Privacy Amendment (Notifiable Data Breaches) Bill 2016.

All well and good, in theory at least. How practically this can be achieved in our highly connected and rapidly changing digital world is altogether another matter.

In this podcast episode, Rob explores some of the key aspects influencing an organisations ability to ensure they never fall foul of the legislation – most of which have little to do with technology.

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The post Episode 2: Mandatory Data Breach Reporting Legislation | Thought Leadership Podcast Series appeared first on Livingstone Advisory.