What's the difference between busyness and true business progress? The answer may surprise you.

What's the difference between busyness and true business progress? The answer may surprise you.
In this moment, Sarah and Samantha spill the tea on why dopamine-seeking behaviours can derail your productivity as an entrepreneur. Learn Sarah's tips for avoiding mindless scrolling and busy work by focusing on purposeful, revenue-generating tasks that actually move the needle. They'll also dish out real-world examples of how to separate yourself from your business to gain profitable clarity. 
Listen to the full episode here
Apple - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/create-your-success-plan-with-sarah-walton/id1378772801?i=1000587796573 
Spotify -  https://open.spotify.com/episode/3d1y6bi46nW5h41rg3dZ1V