This episode features #ThoughtLeaders and #Experts Betty Lochner, Lashondra Graves, Evan Dash, and Ira Ozer.
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#478: Betty Lochner and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Achieve business success with effective communication and rewarding collaboration. This episode features #Thought Leader and #Expert Betty Lochner (, Chief Executive Officer at Cornerstone Coaching & Training LLC, and 529 Campaign Liaison Coordinator.

Betty is passionate about helping individuals, work groups, and small business owners navigate Human Resource issues and improve their work relationships and culture by teaching them how to be more confident communicators and better bosses. She does this through coaching, training, online courses. She conducts a twice annual event for women: Confident Communication: A Women’s Summit.

If you’ve been promoted without getting trained, and you’re looking for ways to learn and grow, you should consider reaching out to Betty Lochner by going to her website at or visiting her profile at

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Middle managers who realize they aren’t good at being bosses should reach out to Betty Lochner.
People don’t leave companies and places anymore, they leave bosses. We’ve all had the experience of a really bad boss. What I do is go out and work with middle managers, small business owners, and I coach them individually.
I teach either in small groups or with their team on how to communicate better, how to talk to each other to get better results.
I’ve done this for about nine years – helping those bosses bloom and transform into the leaders they want to, and have the potential to be.
Studies have found that over 50% of bosses have never had any formal training. So what that tells us is that there’s a huge need for this and you aren’t the only one who has had this struggle.

To view the video interview click here.


#479: Lashondra Graves and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Get a second chance at renting or prevent any eviction through a reliable housing program. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Lashondra Graves (, who is the Founder, CEO, and the Apartment Lady at Apartment and A Housing Rentals Foundation. She is also a professor, speaker, and author.

Lashondra is passionate about helping people with bruised rental histories get a second chance at renting. She believes that being well-informed is relevant in addressing this issue. She provides housing programs and resources that will ensure that her clients will be able to keep the rental and prevent any evictions.

If you are having a hard time getting that rental property or is potentially sitting on an eviction notice, you should consider reaching out to Lashondra Graves by visiting her website at or

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

People who are afraid of being evicted should reach out to Lashondra Graves. #AffordableHousingProgram @LashondraGraves
Have you ever received an eviction notice? Have you been booted from your place? I can help you land a second chance rental or prevent that eviction. #AffordableHousingProgram @LashondraGraves
Are you afraid of being evicted? At Apartment and Housing Rentals Foundation, we give our clients access to information that can either land them a second chance rental or prevent an eviction. #HousingProgram @LashondraGraves
Have you been evicted? Do you know how to avoid it? I can give you access to our resources and one year program. It is geared towards putting you in a position where you will never be evicted again. #HousingProgram @LashondraGraves
Are you afraid of being evicted from your home? You can get access to our #HousingProgram that will help you be self-sufficient and prevent that eviction. @LashondraGraves

To view the video interview click here.


#480: Evan Dash and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Increase retail sales by successfully connecting with customers. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Evan Dash (, who is the founder and CEO of StoreBound, a distribution platform that allows big brands as well as individual inventors to bring new and innovative products to the market faster than ever before.

Evan is passionate about developing innovative products with an emphasis on environmental responsibility. He highlights performance, quality, value, and a good consumer experience.

If you are a #Retailer who is failing to connect with customers, you should consider reaching out to Evan Dash by visiting his website and going to

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

#Retailers who are failing to connect with customers should reach out to Evan Dash. @EvanDash
The state of retail today is heartbreaking. It’s in complete disarray. More than ever, #Retailers are struggling to connect with consumers. I can help you reach your market fast and connect with your customers so they buy your products. @EvanDash
So many #Retailers have forgotten about making the customer happy. It is all about the customer and not just about making sure that the shelves are stocked properly. I can help you identify what your customers are looking for. @EvanDash

Producing cool items that consumers need is critical to retail success. We always do our best to work with #Retailers to get their products placed on the shelves and then get them off the shelves fast. @EvanDash
We built a #SocialMedia following of over 1 million. We can bring you new customers! @unprocessyourfood @videomeals

To view the video interview click here.


#481: Ira Ozer and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Improve business results by motivating and engaging your people. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Ira Ozer (, President at Engagement Partners and Innovation Meetings, Expert in Performance Improvement Program Design, and Development and Implementation.

Ira is passionate about enterprise engagement. He has 30 years of experience in the field, and has explored interrelated disciplines that are needed to develop cultures of recognition, innovation and loyalty.  He has served as a chief innovation meetings architect as the president of Innovation Meetings and Engagement Partners. He helps companies motivate and engage people to improve business results with the use of a variety of strategies, solutions, services and specialized suppliers.

If you recognize that you have people who are not engaged at work, and you’re looking for solutions or ways about fixing that, you might want to reach out to Ira Ozer by visiting his website at and going to his profile at

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Companies with disengaged people should reach out to Ira Ozer.
Companies need people to be engaged and when we say engaged, that means not just doing the minimum level of work, but giving their discretionary effort and best for the organization.
The cost of disengagement is huge – lost of productivity, reduce retention, not keeping good people, and lack of advocacy for new customers and better employees. Having a culture of engagement is beneficial for a company.
Enterprise engagement is important. The idea is… how do we motivate and engage the people across our enterprise?
I’ve worked with C-suite leaders and line executives to develop better solutions to motivate and engage their people.

To view the video interview click here.


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The post #478-481: Lochner, Graves, Dash, Ozer w/ Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.