This episode features #ThoughtLeaders and #Experts Bobby Herrera, Bernie Borges, Steve Sapato, and Roger Salam.
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The post #474-477: Herrera, Borges, Sapato, Salem w/ Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.


#474: Bobby Herrera and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Be customer-obsessed and people-focused to rise from struggles and collectively grow together. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Bobby Herrera (, co-founder and president of the Populus Group, which is a Minority Owned Business Enterprise (MBE) and Veteran Owned Business (VOB) that makes managing contingent workforces easier.  He authored the book “The Gift of Struggle” which is a backstory of his organization for the last 18 years which has helped a lot of leaders better understand the company’s culture of excellence, community service and servant leadership.

Bobby is passionate about helping leaders understand how their individual struggles can help them connect with their communities and inspire others. He is an Army veteran and storyteller who constantly shares stories on how leaders are most effectively removing struggle from their responsibilities, guides them with entrepreneurial lessons as well as how to give back to the community.

To learn more about Bobby Herrera and employment solutions for customers and valued contract employees in the professional staffing industry, visit his websites and

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Leaders who are struggling to win the war for talent should reach out to Bobby Herrera.
My role is to help you manage the invisible workforce made of a complex group of non-traditional, non-permanent or temporary employees and remove the overwhelm so you have more time to create wins for your company. #PeopleFirst
With a #PeopleFirst approach, I can help provide you with contingent workforce solutions so you can manage your programs easier and overcome any obstacles along the way.
I can assist you in managing payroll and benefits for your independent contractors, niche consultants working in independent projects or specialty candidates to give everyone the opportunity to succeed. #PeopleFirst
18 years of guiding leaders and top organizations with 85% retention rate and 4x net promoter score gives me credibility to replicate customer-centric programs designed for your business that values #PeopleFirst.



#475: Bernie Borges and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Create more sales conversations to fill your pipeline by transforming into the modern seller that your modern buyer needs. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Bernie Borges (,  the Co-Founder and CMO of Vengreso. He is also an author, speaker, and host of The Modern Marketing Engine Podcast.

Bernie conducts content marketing and digital sales training for sales people, including sales leaders and their teams. He helps them create more sales conversations in order for them to fill their pipeline. He uses an approach that transforms them into the modern seller that their buyer needs and wants to engage with so they can make more sales despite today’s challenging times.

If you’re sitting on the executive board or on the team and you realize that you’re not having enough at-bats to make #SalesConversations, you should reach out to Bernie Borges by visiting his website at or

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Sales people who need more #SalesConversations in order for them to fill their pipeline should reach out to Bernie Borges. @BernieBorges
Do you want to be successful in generating your pipeline and opportunities? You must have conversations. #SalesConversations @BernieBorges
The hardest thing for sales people is to find, engage, and connect with clients. I teach sales people how to be a modern seller for them to reach their modern buyers. #SalesConversations @BernieBorges
Modern buyers are always online, searching for content. I help sales people to be that modern seller that the modern buyer actually wants to engage. #SalesConversations @BernieBorges
In today’s environment, reaching out to potential buyers has become really challenging. I can help transform your sales teams into being a modern seller that the modern buyer needs. #SalesConversations @BernieBorges



#476: Steve Sapato and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Engage your audience and get your message across through effective speaking skills. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Steve Sapato (, who is the director of He is known as the most famous unfamous speaker in America.

Steve has been a speaker and trainer for over 40 years. As a speaking coach, he trains on the 25 areas of speaking, which creates superior leaders as well as improves sales and successful script creation to produce the highest closing rates. He also trains people on exceptional communication, which includes questioning and listening skills that lead to usable and effective connections.

If you have a message and no one is listening, you should consider reaching out to Steve Sapato by visiting his website and going to

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

People who have a #Message, but are unable to engage their audience and get their message across, should reach out to Steve Sapato. @SteveSapato
People around the world are speaking, yet their #Message often falls on deaf ears. I can help you get your message across to your intended audience. @SteveSapato
It does not matter what your background is or where you are at. Speaking is a skill that can be learned. I can help you get clarity of your #Message so that people will hear you. @SteveSapato
I have over 40 years of experience helping thousands of people gain confidence in their speaking abilities. This gives me the perceived credibility to help you become a great speaker and get your #Message across to people. @SteveSapato
People need to know how to captivate their audience. Once their audience likes and trusts them, they will start to listen. I will train you to help change people’s lives through your #Message. @SteveSapato



#477: Roger Salam and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Achieve acceleration, momentum, and explosive growth through the mastermind group. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Roger Salam (, the founder and chairman of The Winner’s Circle (TWC), which is an international mastermind organization that brings together the top achievers in business to accomplish more personally and professionally. TWC is an exclusive, invitation-only, membership organization for top achievers.

Roger is an award-winning inspirational speaker, best-selling author of several books and courses on personal development, sales and marketing, and real estate investing. He facilitates world-class mastermind events across the globe that accelerate, amplify, and maximize business and life.

If you are an entrepreneur, thought leader or an influencer who lacks acceleration, momentum, and explosive growth, you should consider reaching out to Roger Salam by visiting his website and going to

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Thought leaders that lack acceleration, momentum, and explosive growth should reach out to Roger Salam. #Mastermind @RogerSalam
A #Mastermind group allows you to get whatever is it that you want and to get there faster, stronger, and better. Iron sharpens iron. I can connect you with likeminded people to help you achieve explosive growth. @RogerSalam
When business owners become thought leaders, their business explodes. A #Mastermind group can help you become the authority in your business space. @RogerSalam
Of all the principles of success, the #Mastermind is the highest one for accelerated growth. This is where top achievers in business work together to accomplish more, personally, and professionally. @RogerSalam
I’ve been doing #Mastermind long before mastermind was popular. Every year, I do mastermind events around the globe. This gives me the perceived credibility to help thought leaders achieve explosive growth. @RogerSalam

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit:

The post #474-477: Herrera, Borges, Sapato, Salem w/ Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.