This episode features #ThoughtLeaders and #Experts Josh Elledge, Philippe Bouissou, Shenan Reed, and David Goldsmith.
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#410: Josh Elledge and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Increase your company’s sales and revenue, and earn respect and profitable partnerships by becoming an influencer. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Josh Elledge (, a syndicated TV expert, newspaper columnist, and keynote speaker. He turns business pros into media celebrities and creates over 10 appointments a week with his dream clients for various B2B businesses.

Josh is passionate about spreading his own PR fairy dust, which has made him an influencer with his digital consumer advocacy, lifestyle brand, and He provides step-by-step tools, coaching, and PR hacks for entrepreneurs to dramatically increase their sales and revenue. He is determined to attracting the perfect audiences without spending as much as they would on traditional PR services.

If you’re a high-tech company with a start-up growth and are wondering how other companies get the records and press the easy button, reach out to Josh Elledge by going to his website at

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Profitable growth stage startups that are just not getting recognized in their niche should reach out to Josh Elledge.
Our main thing is that we help our clients go from invisible to being seen and celebrated because when you grow your authority and influence, life is just easier.
When you sprinkle that cred dust, you can grow your authority and your influence.
I’ve gone to events where I’ve been another face in the crowd, and I’ve gone to events where I’ve been a keynote speaker, and it’s a completely different experience. I want that keynote experience for everybody.
Sales gets easier, rate conversion goes up, and inbound and partnership opportunities increase when you communicate to clients so they can follow suit. if you just do this, you will make more money.

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#411: Philippe Bouissou and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Grow top-line revenue and build sustainable growth by aligning your business with your target market. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Philippe Bouissou, Ph.D. (, a bestselling author, speaker, growth expert, venture capitalist and entrepreneur. He has 30 years of experience in Silicon Valley, where he became instrumental in growing and running businesses to maximize shareholder value creation.

Philippe is passionate about helping companies build sustainable revenue growth and capturing new business opportunities with a unique and effective methodology referred to as the “A4 Precision Alignment™.” This is the application of precise, fact-based discovery to identify customer-facing and internal misalignments that hinder growth and success.

If you are a CEO who dreads waking up on a Monday morning because you don’t know how to thrive and grow your business, reach out to Philippe Bouissou by visiting his website at

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Business leaders, CEOs or entrepreneurs who are wondering how to grow their business faster and beat their competitors should reach out to Philippe Bouissou and get the assistance they need.
Traditional tactics of growing businesses such as: changing salespeople, tweaking sales compensation, adding new features, acquiring a business, increasing marketing budget, or offering discounts rarely work. There is now a new universal, data-driven, and prescriptive methodology.
The reasons traditional sales tactics are not effective is because they are based on emotions and subjectivity, rather than data and objectivity.
The maximum growth of any business can only be realized when the business and its target market are perfectly aligned. Like in a mechanical watch, it’s misalignment that creates friction and makes companies not realize their growth potential.
As new external forces changes the economic and business environment, it is imperative that companies re-examine their alignment and adapt to new realities with new competition. That’s the only way they will grow effectively, outpace their market and fly past competition.

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit:



#412: Shenan Reed and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Deal with digital media challenges by looking at the customer’s point of view. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Shenan Reed (, an ad exact digital entrepreneur, sought-after thought leader, and public speaker.

Shenan has years of working with many companies, introducing them to digital media. She helps brand marketers and executives navigate the world of online advertising while overcoming the challenges brought about by digital transformation.

If you’re sitting in a firm and are wonder, “What’s happening with our #DigitalMedia strategy?”, reach out to Shenan Reed by visiting her on LinkedIn at or on Twitter at @Shenan.

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

Brand marketers and brand executives who are struggling with the ever-changing world of media, especially #DigitalMedia and data, should reach out to Shenan Reed. #DigitalTransformation @Shenan
Are you struggling with the changes in social media, how to bring data together, or how to tell better stories for your customers? I can help you understand and find a solution to your problem. #DigitalTransformation @Shenan
There are so many questions, and the challenge many marketers face is that there are so many possible answers. I can help you untangle those and make sure you choose the right one that’s best for you and your customer. @Shenan
Do you want to find the right answer for the #DigitalMedia challenges that you are facing? Do you know where to start? You should start with the customer’s point of view. #DigitalTransformation @Shenan
Understanding the problems and what it does for the consumer and your business will help you make an informed decision of what it will mean to you, as well as see what you’re giving up and what you’ll potentially gain in the process. @Shenan

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit:



#413: David Goldsmith and Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility Episode

Achieve greater business results through a paradigm shift. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert David Goldsmith (, the president of Goldsmith Organization. He is also a consultant, inventor, advisor, speaker, serial entrepreneur, and author.

For over 30 years, David has founded or co-founded more than a dozen businesses, ranging from distribution and manufacturing to advertising, for which he earned several awards and accolades. He advises and provides consultation services to decision-makers in commerce, nonprofits, associations, and organizations, including the military, government, and education.

If you are a CEO looking for a #ParadigmShift, reach out to David Goldsmith by visiting his website,, and going to

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

CEOs of various industries and different-sized companies looking for a #ParadigmShift should reach out to David Goldsmith. @Goldsmith
Every now and then, something happens, like a pandemic or a movement from the industrial age. CEOs will need to think about the world in a completely different way. #ParadigmShift @Goldsmith
I have a skill set like an artist has a skill set. I see and bring best practices together in different industries anywhere in the world. I can help you find the solutions you are looking for through a #ParadigmShift. @Goldsmith
I started my first business while I was in university. I’ve worked with different industries and environments on every continent. This gives me the credibility to help CEOs with #ParadigmShift thinking.
The rapid changes in today’s emerging technologies, disrupters, and market players have introduced greater demands on CEOs. I teach CEOs to be better at what they do to keep up with these demands. #ParadigmShift @Goldsmith

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit:

The post #410-413: Elledge, Bouissou, Reed, Goldsmith w/ Mitchell Levy on Thought Leader Life Credibility appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.